Damn!! I thought season 2 was amazing ahaha can’t wait to see this
You’re going to love it
Just finished this. Amazing
Episode 6 might be one of the best episodes of the show. I was dying at the comedy like everyone going to Mitch for advice, that speech to text message Barry sent Sally and that meeting Sally had. How do they even think of this and that highway chase
I loved the camera work when that biker is shooting up the car dealership, we don't actually see Barry leave the dealership. He just shows up in the crowd when someone ducks, then he walks off
Finale was crazy too. Was not expecting that twist
Kinda want an alt ending scene where Barry comically takes out all the police with his pistol
ronny/lily s2e5 is the best episode to me
season 3 finale might have eclipsed it now tbh
I really like how in this show even the smallest details has genius behind it.
Like in Ep2 of this season the random lady is walking at night on the phone complaining about milk then all sudden is startled by the group of militia men walking passed her wit AK’s out
Quickly put into perspective how stupid her complaints was and how ppl tend to complain about the dumbest s***.
I’m pretty sure that commentary wasn’t the intention of that scene, but that’s the beauty of great filmmaking interpretations like that naturally happens
season 3 finale might have eclipsed it now tbh
Yea I liked both but Ronny/Lilly edged it out slightly… both were directed by bill and show his versatility
I’m on episode 6 and halfway through this s*** turned fast paced and crazy af wit the car chase 😳
Having that 1 episode of fast paced action seems to be a current trend, Euphoria had an episode like that last season
I really like how in this show even the smallest details has genius behind it.
Like in Ep2 of this season the random lady is walking at night on the phone complaining about milk then all sudden is startled by the group of militia men walking passed her wit AK’s out
Quickly put into perspective how stupid her complaints was and how ppl tend to complain about the dumbest s***.
I’m pretty sure that commentary wasn’t the intention of that scene, but that’s the beauty of great filmmaking interpretations like that naturally happens
This killed me She's talking about this guy ordering milk on a date and then like 20 guys with guns suddenly walk past her
This killed me She's talking about this guy ordering milk on a date and then like 20 guys with guns suddenly walk past her
Lmaooo fr f***ing brilliant
Sarah Goldberg. It’s her first significant role and she’s such a talent. Easy on the eyes as well
She’s cute but got damn the bags under her eyes is odee
She’s cute but got damn the bags under her eyes is odee
I think her bags are cute u meanie 😖
we got grandpas itt ?
can’t believe they allow KTT2 during quiet time at the retirement home
can’t believe they allow KTT2 during quiet time at the retirement home
can’t believe they allow KTT2 during nap time at Pre-school