I wanna hear y’all predictions for where they could take season 4 because I have no idea this could be a series finale
I wanna hear y’all predictions for where they could take season 4 because I have no idea this could be a series finale
Barry beats the case and tries to take advantage of his second chance at a normal life but continues to be aggravated by Fuches, Gene, Sally & Janice's dad which leads him go insane and murder again
This is 3 seasons deep. Wanna start but I'm a lil intimidated
You can catch up in a day and a half really easy to watch
I wanna hear y’all predictions for where they could take season 4 because I have no idea this could be a series finale
Barry continues to fall up and gets recruited to do hits for the government. Sally continues to downward spiral and eventually murders her abusive ex in cold blood. Gene’s career prospers but his son begins to question things more leading to him finding out Gene accepted blood money and leaving. Not sure what happens to Hank
This is 3 seasons deep. Wanna start but I'm a lil intimidated
only 8 episode per season 30 min each, actually the easiest show to get into rn tbh
only 8 episode per season 30 min each, actually the easiest show to get into rn tbh
Bet. I'm on it
Onto season three now.
Rewatch or your first time?
First time, man.
Not directly Barry related but I was just thinking about how insanely hilarious Bill Hader was in this episode of Curb
Just finished S1. Yeah I f*** wit this heavy.
If it got the Twitch approval I’m finna start this next
If it got the Twitch approval I’m finna start this next
Yessir the shows fire. An easy watch too
Season 1 and 2 were great, laughed so hard many times. It's a really easy and fun series to watch. Unfortunately I can't see what yall are seeing in season 3. Thought it was disorganised and rushed at certain parts, epecially the finale. Loved that motorcycle episode though