It’s up there with Tetris, half life 2, and super Mario 64. You could play this game for the rest of you’re life and never get bored. If you haven’t played it before, you should.
I fully agree with this, which is why I had to stop playing, it's too addictive, every run has the opportunity for new surprises, the graphics, controls, sound design, music (in the original), are all impeccable, the kind of risk/reward decisions the game presents you with are so engaging, and the permadeath gives every moment of danger a heart-pounding gravity
I haven't played it in years BECAUSE it's so good, doing a run became part of my nightly routine and I had to quit cold turkey, but it'll always be in my personal top 10 OAT
its coo
Never heard of it. With that type of stamp from a few ppl I'll have to ✔️ it out
Never heard of it. With that type of stamp from a few ppl I'll have to ✔️ it out
literally the best rogue like ever made. Rebirth + all dlc's is so good....
Online-coop update with Buff's out next week
I agree
Official online multiplayer out next week too
Hopefully for all platforms
It does just about everything you want/need from an endless game. Been playing it since 2011 and with all the expansions added it is one of the most complete and most bang for your buck kinda games ever made.
Hopefully for all platforms
Just pc. No console
Just pc. No console
Damn bro
Sometimes I regret selling my steam deck. This is a perfect portable game
I agree
Official online multiplayer out next week too
The PS Vita-PS3/PS4 cross co-op was game changing. I thought it was gonna be some tacked on addition just for the sake of it but it was a lot of fun being able to play with some homies.
There have been online multiplayer mods created for it in the past but the official version gonna hit different forreal
its too movement heavy and ngl at some point i checked out because they were adding just impossible amounts of content, i cant imagine what the game looks like now (last time i launched it was 2017)
its too movement heavy and ngl at some point i checked out because they were adding just impossible amounts of content, i cant imagine what the game looks like now (last time i launched it was 2017)
Gotta major update that added even more s*** in 2021 and they been adding more to that update since as well lol
its too movement heavy and ngl at some point i checked out because they were adding just impossible amounts of content, i cant imagine what the game looks like now (last time i launched it was 2017)
The amount of content has easily been more than doubled since the last time you played
I'd give it another go (with all the dlc) if I were you
The amount of content has easily been more than doubled since the last time you played
I'd give it another go (with all the dlc) if I were you
I feel like doubled is downplaying it that's the wild part lol
Hades better
Hell no…. And without TBoI there would be no hades
Hades is good tho don’t get me wrong