The truth is as a black person no matter where we go nobody likes us. I really enjoyed Canada while I was there but I stood out like a sore thumb in Vancouver and older white people were giving me death stares. I think a lot of it correlated to me being openly romantic with a weird white woman as a already funny looking guy though because when I was solo people were much nicer to me lmaooo. I would love to move there for good though over living in America anytime if I could live in the same area I was visiting. It was quiet, beautiful, and peaceful. That’s all I want
romantic with a "weird W**** woman" ????
Japan is one of the most xenophobic countries in the world
I'm white but got turned away from Japanese bars a few times when I lived there. some of my black friends had s***ty experiences with racism there too. very safe and peaceful country and can be a great place to live but they don't like foreigners much
you'll get strange looks sometimes and most Japanese people would never date a foreigner
despite all that I think it's still a cool country to move to
romantic with a "weird W**** woman" ????
My autocorrect changes white to w**** everytime
“Escape” from the best country for you?
crying at everyone ignoring this post
is this nigga even black
are we not f***ed everywhere we go with anti blackness being rampant? idk maybe my outlook is bleak
Colorism across the globe is sad
There’s a Facebook group called Black People In Japan and a lot of them have said it’s not too bad. Of course they said you’ll get some ignorant looks every so often or some micro aggressions but hell that’s happened to me in America too. The majority of them say that they love living there tho
This is the lamest most b**** made p**** ass s*** I have ever heard of in my f***ing life. Escape America? You’re gonna let a bunch of cacs bully you out of your own country?
“Escape” from the best country for you?
unparalleled amounts of cracker energy radiating from this post
never seen anything like it
Me personally I cant go anywhere that doesnt have a large black population. I wanna go to Cuba or somewhere in africa. Just anywhere with nice weather and kind people
No where, it’s America till I die. Just give me the expeensives so I can do what I gotta do here.
Would be cool to live in Tokyo or some s*** but realistically somewhere with a lot of black people to avoid all the weird/potentially fatal bullshit.
Where that is, who knows. Sadly for Americanized blacks America may be the best place
This is the lamest most b**** made p**** ass s*** I have ever heard of in my f***ing life. Escape America? You’re gonna let a bunch of cacs bully you out of your own country?
If black folks want to leave America they have every reason to do so tbh
It’s just my personal belief that every black person in the diaspora should visit Africa at least once though.
unparalleled amounts of cracker energy radiating from this post
never seen anything like it
unparalleled amount of dumb ass energy from yours
dead if you think america isn't the best country for pretty much every race. regardless of it's faults it's still the most diverse and most accepting of other cultures on earth
unparalleled amount of dumb ass energy from yours
dead if you think america isn't the best country for pretty much every race. regardless of it's faults it's still the most diverse and most accepting of other cultures on earth
don’t care, didn’t ask
if you not black (which i’m almost certain you aren’t) sit this one out b