I thot we wer going to be able to download it today?
On PS5? I think that goes live in 3 hours
Ok I didn't want to but couldn't help it and watched some of the intro and I'm sold for sure now. This s*** looks incredible. Reminds me of the old epic god of war on steroids
Trailer showing zero spoken words, nothing story related
First time u hear someone speak is 20 seconds before video ends
Idk about this
I have purchased the game
We in the era of Chinese gaming boys. China bout to upend the gaming industry and set new standards with high quality production
We in the era of Chinese gaming boys. China bout to upend the gaming industry and set new standards with high quality production
Naraka Bladepoint out now
We in the era of Chinese gaming boys. China bout to upend the gaming industry and set new standards with high quality production
A lot of companies in trouble lol .
personally might have to wait till this gets discounted i aint know the director/ studio were so weird bout women
Yeah the creator is a sexist d***head.
Also the PS5 version has downgraded visuals and input lag apparently. They’ve been hiding the footage
People are mad this is reviewing in the 80s...as if that is a bad score
If a game isn’t rated 90+ (classic game territory type scores) then the game is considered trash
personally might have to wait till this gets discounted i aint know the director/ studio were so weird bout women
personally might have to wait till this gets discounted i aint know the director/ studio were so weird bout women
Oh nah that nigga tweakin
Too bad this mf got denuvo on PC
Yeah the creator is a sexist d***head.
Also the PS5 version has downgraded visuals and input lag apparently. They’ve been hiding the footage
whole thing feels very 2010 LMAO. game still looks great in parts but yea hype is def a bit more tempered now
We in the era of Chinese gaming boys. China bout to upend the gaming industry and set new standards with high quality production
Eastward was crazy they already in their indie bag
People really are so disingenuous.
The creator/ director seems to be a horrible person and that e-mail is a terrible look too.
But because the game is now „anti-woke“ of course it is the big evil journalists doing a witch hunt against poor Chinese developer because they are jealous that Western games now suck or something
Either way people online really speak about journalists like they are the great enemies of our time
And its sooooo dumb because lets be honest „ethical consumption“ is an impossibility in the gaming space these days anyways so just enjoy the game. But journalist are absolutely within their right for speaking about this stuff
People are mad this is reviewing in the 80s...as if that is a bad score
We live in an era where anything below 90 and for some extremely high profile/hyped games 95ish is considered a disappointment to some
Young ass generation lol
is that thom yorke???
Literally this. But this time Ill buy it and not care cause I wanna enjoy the cool monkey game I thought looked cool for years. If my pc can actually run it