Oh my dayzzzzzz I finally beat Erlang and what happened afterwards was one of the coolest things ever. THAT was epic. Make sure you do not miss this secret fight.
Credits are rolling on me Final boss went down much easier after beating Erlang (which is a secret boss that you must not miss!). Erlang in his human form was definitely the hardest boss for me. Only Erlang made me lose hope for a bit, but man it was worth the epic thing that ensued afterwards. This is definitely my GOTY and this monkey will hold a special place in my heart. Hoping that this IP will continue.
Credits are rolling on me Final boss went down much easier after beating Erlang (which is a secret boss that you must not miss!). Erlang in his human form was definitely the hardest boss for me. Only Erlang made me lose hope for a bit, but man it was worth the epic thing that ensued afterwards. This is definitely my GOTY and this monkey will hold a special place in my heart. Hoping that this IP will continue.
You going for NG+?
You going for NG+?
Probably yeah but I'm not in a rush. Did you beat the game?
Probably yeah but I'm not in a rush. Did you beat the game?
Nope, still on chapter 5. Just beat the dude in the white robe (forgot his name)
I know it’s asking for a lot, but I’m hoping each DLC is at least 2 chapters length
Realistically it’ll prolly be one each
This was the hardest boss in the game for me so seeing this makes me mad and relieved at the same time.
I’ve been putting off finishing this the last 2 days. I’m in the last area… imma finish it tonight I think
I haven’t beaten every hidden boss (lowkey got locked out of fighting one of em in chapter 5 I think). I’ll prob go back and do that at some point while waiting for dlc tho. This easily my GOTY… Infinite Wealth up there too
I’ve been putting off finishing this the last 2 days. I’m in the last area… imma finish it tonight I think
I haven’t beaten every hidden boss (lowkey got locked out of fighting one of em in chapter 5 I think). I’ll prob go back and do that at some point while waiting for dlc tho. This easily my GOTY… Infinite Wealth up there too
You fight Erlang yet? If not, fight him, prepare to die and then prepare for epic moments.
You fight Erlang yet? If not, fight him, prepare to die and then prepare for epic moments.
Not yet but I will
I’m actually looking forward to another super difficult fight cuz s*** been a breeze (an incredibly fun one tho) for a bit now
Not yet but I will
I’m actually looking forward to another super difficult fight cuz s*** been a breeze (an incredibly fun one tho) for a bit now
Good luck, Destined One
Just smoked the final boss of the main story
Still need to go see Erlang tho
Sadly the final boss for me is bugged and the camera always looks inside my character when being close to the boss and borderline unplayable
Just smoked the final boss of the main story
Still need to go see Erlang tho
I'm still not done. Juggling too many games atm
Critics once again tryna tell folks what to like?
Respect gaming journalists opinion or move on!
Respect gaming journalists opinion or move on!
They don't even like games