Sadly the final boss for me is bugged and the camera always looks inside my character when being close to the boss and borderline unplayable
The heck? What platform you on? What have you tried?
Respect gaming journalists opinion or move on!
This satirical or what? Game journalists opinions deserve no respect
This satirical or what? Game journalists opinions deserve no respect
Ohhh man don’t say that too loud round these parts mate
I'm still not done. Juggling too many games atm
Game might be an all-timer for me personally ngl
What else you been playin nigga
The heck? What platform you on? What have you tried?
PS5 have tried changing settings and obviously restarting. Also equipping different armor and weapon. Dunno its stuck like that for 2-3 days now hoping for a patch atp. Nearly beat him too just before but its still very annoying I am just dodging based on particle effects lmaoo
Critics once again tryna tell folks what to like?
Game not even reviewed that well?
8/10 average is like everything atp
PS5 have tried changing settings and obviously restarting. Also equipping different armor and weapon. Dunno its stuck like that for 2-3 days now hoping for a patch atp. Nearly beat him too just before but its still very annoying I am just dodging based on particle effects lmaoo
Update Ive bitten thrugh
Now onto Erlang
PS5 have tried changing settings and obviously restarting. Also equipping different armor and weapon. Dunno its stuck like that for 2-3 days now hoping for a patch atp. Nearly beat him too just before but its still very annoying I am just dodging based on particle effects lmaoo
Sheesh. That’s unfortunate. I play on PS5 as well but luckily didn’t encounter this. I did however encounter another bug in another end-game encounter where the boss had no HP left but the fight just kept going forever. A restart of the game solved the issue though.
Update Ive bitten thrugh
Now onto Erlang
Erlang is harder than the final boss imo, but so worth it because of the epic moments that follow. Good luck.
I’m dumb and beat the final boss before Erlang so imma have to beat the final boss again to trigger the proper ending
Final boss wasn’t hard tho. Erlang was difficult tho but not as bad as I was expecting
Erlang is harder than the final boss imo, but so worth it because of the epic moments that follow. Good luck.
Yeah Ive tried him for an hour or so. I like him alot more than the final boss altho that might be cause of the glitch Ive had. But he flows really nicely and isnt frustrating at all
we looked at it at work today. Was dope to see. The ending chapter video is so crazy
dope to see other studios learning from a Chinese studio cause we were like "damn thats wild wonder how much that cost to make"
Game might be an all-timer for me personally ngl
What else you been playin nigga
S***, besides this. A 3rd playthrough of Ghost Of Tsushima, and I started Visions Of Mana but I'm definitely putting that s*** in the backlog and getting Astro Bot
Erlang probably the peak of the game
How do I get access to that one temple in chapter 3?
Which one you talm'bout?
S***, besides this. A 3rd playthrough of Ghost Of Tsushima, and I started Visions Of Mana but I'm definitely putting that s*** in the backlog and getting Astro Bot
Imma get astro bot too once I grab a new controller cuz my s*** got horrible drift literally in chapter 5 and 6 of wukong
Imma do that when I get a chance or just order something
Great pagoda
The Great Pagoda should be accessible right away when you get there in Chapter 3. I got there today on NG+ and I could enter it immediately. There’s just nothing to do there until you reach chapter 6.
still stuck on Erlang
he is a tough one
seriously his red blade throw attack is so difficult to dodge
I can play the entire fight perfectly and this bladestorm whatever attack oneshots me