I’m just curious if there actually is exploration and s***, because this game sort of exists in this weird state where it’s hard to gauge how it’s gonna actually end up being quality wise.
Graphics and art director look great, music seems great, combat seems good, but it still exists in this nebulous area where it could end up being either a surprise tour de force, or resoundingly mid.
Are you equating the inclusion of exploration to quality?
Are you equating the inclusion of exploration to quality?
I’d be decidedly more interested in it if ends up being more than ultra linear corridors.
Wonder if this will satisfy me like Stellar Blade did
A demo would be nice, Shift Up was smart for doing that with Stellar Blade, made it an instant buy.
Game looks crazy
I watched a recent trailer today after not seeing anything since pretty much reveal, and the art direction is enough sway for me to jump in. It just looked so clean.
I loved Stellar Blade but the enemy variety was lacking. The bosses were awesome though.
I don't think I'll buy at launch but maybe.
I watched a recent trailer today after not seeing anything since pretty much reveal, and the art direction is enough sway for me to jump in. It just looked so clean.
I loved Stellar Blade but the enemy variety was lacking. The bosses were awesome though.
I don't think I'll buy at launch but maybe.
I don't have s*** else to play fr now so this is it
I loved Stellar Blade it's my GOTY so far
But this can very possibly over take it
My girl loves the art style so she's actually going to buy it to watch me play it.
She's gonna be disappointed when I die on the boss 40 times
They released a bench mark tool and im barely getting 60fps at 4k. At 1440p im getting 60.
With raytracing on im getting 40 lol
Trailer showing zero spoken words, nothing story related
First time u hear someone speak is 20 seconds before video ends
Idk about this
Trailer showing zero spoken words, nothing story related
First time u hear someone speak is 20 seconds before video ends
Idk about this
Pure gameplay kino
Trailer showing zero spoken words, nothing story related
First time u hear someone speak is 20 seconds before video ends
Idk about this
Imagine playing video games for the story
My girl loves the art style so she's actually going to buy it to watch me play it.
She's gonna be disappointed when I die on the boss 40 times
This supposedly much easier than Fromsoft souls games
This looks so good cant wait to play it at 16 fps
This supposedly much easier than Fromsoft souls games
We'll see. Hopefully. There's like nothing but bosses lol
Leaked cutscene spoiler (I guess)
And other leaked details with spoilers (I guess) didn't sound like nothing to heavy though
Trailer showing zero spoken words, nothing story related
First time u hear someone speak is 20 seconds before video ends
Idk about this
it's an action game with bosses
which none of them including souls games have good stories, this not the kinda game you play for a riveting story
Pure gameplay kino
I’ll see this ofc but im not 13 anymore
it's an action game with bosses
which none of them including souls games have good stories, this not the kinda game you play for a riveting story
The story of Dark Souls & Bloodborne are amazing, top tier. Just because it’s not a story told in cutscenes doesn’t mean it’s not a story
I don’t understand
Idk takes me a lot to focus on something if there's nothing captivating in the story department
So if the story is s***, even if its not the main thing
I can't really focus on the other stuff, since we are more busy when we are adults
I'd like to be immersed
The story of Dark Souls & Bloodborne are amazing, top tier. Just because it’s not a story told in cutscenes doesn’t mean it’s not a story
The best way to enjoy those stories is from a guy on youtube telling you about them
The average souls player could not give you a start to finish synopsis of the lore in those games because of how they integrate it. Story telling is not at all a strong suit there.
Idk takes me a lot to focus on something if there's nothing captivating in the story department
So if the story is s***, even if its not the main thing
I can't really focus on the other stuff, since we are more busy when we are adults
I'd like to be immersed
Interesting, as I’ve grown older my tastes have gone the other way tbh. Gameplay over everything now if this plays like trash and has a bad story that’s a different discussion, but all the footage so far has looked amazing
Idk takes me a lot to focus on something if there's nothing captivating in the story department
So if the story is s***, even if its not the main thing
I can't really focus on the other stuff, since we are more busy when we are adults
I'd like to be immersed
I guess I can understand that. Most people just crave captivating stories as they age. I think that’s the appeal of cinematic type games with complex plots.
I’m kinda the opposite. When I get busy in life I don’t even feel comfortable getting immersed in anything. I like to avoid all that s*** and distract myself with simple fun gameplay. I don’t even like complex mechanics that need to be learned because I just don’t feel comfortable dedicating myself that much to something that ultimately isn’t important. Thanks for reading my blogpost