If you aren't attracted to your own color of people there's likely some self-hate in there.
It is also obvious because these people tend to exhibit it so much and don't even hide it, because they don't realize.
9/10 black people who only date exclusively whites usually meet one of these. It just reflects how they think less of black people overall.
And I'm not referring to those people open to dating all people (including other black people) but someone who specifically goes after white women/men.
Kodak Black for example literally said he thinks all dark-skinned women are ugly... despite being dark-skinned, his momma being dark-skin, etc. How tf is that not self-hate. It's definitely probably from him getting bullied for being dark during his childhood and then letting it turn to self-hate. (Even tho that has more to do with darkskin/lightskin colorism rather than hating his own race)There's actually a lot of black guys I realized are like him too.
Lots of black men got self-image issues, it's actually sad.
Kodak black too damn ugly to be judgin anybody
If you aren't attracted to your own color of people there's likely some self-hate in there.
It is also obvious because these people tend to exhibit it so much and don't even hide it, because they don't realize.
9/10 black people who only date exclusively whites usually meet one of these. It just reflects how they think less of black people overall.
And I'm not referring to those people open to dating all people (including other black people) but someone who specifically goes after white women/men.
Kodak Black for example literally said he thinks all dark-skinned women are ugly... despite being dark-skinned, his momma being dark-skin, etc. How tf is that not self-hate. It's definitely probably from him getting bullied for being dark during his childhood and then letting it turn to self-hate. (Even tho that has more to do with darkskin/lightskin colorism rather than hating his own race)There's actually a lot of black guys I realized are like him too.
Lots of black men got self-image issues, it's actually sad.
good post family
lot of people on this site and their obsession with white women always the same to be talking bad bad about black women
What do y’all think of this movie scene? It is talking about how they keep black peoples divided. I find it interesting @Nightmares
What do y’all think of this movie scene? It is talking about how they keep black peoples divided. I find it interesting @Nightmares
What do y’all think of this movie scene? It is talking about how they keep black peoples divided. I find it interesting @Nightmares
!https://youtube.com/watch?v=7pQ-YPjasGcI can't watch the video rn but the unity of Black Afrikan people is the worlds biggest fear.
J. Edgar Hoover said it plainly in a U.S. context but it's clear around the world, so best believe they have & will continue to do whatever it takes to keep black people occupied with internal issues.
If you aren't attracted to your own color of people there's likely some self-hate in there.
It is also obvious because these people tend to exhibit it so much and don't even hide it, because they don't realize.
9/10 black people who only date exclusively whites usually meet one of these. It just reflects how they think less of black people overall.
And I'm not referring to those people open to dating all people (including other black people) but someone who specifically goes after white women/men.
Kodak Black for example literally said he thinks all dark-skinned women are ugly... despite being dark-skinned, his momma being dark-skin, etc. How tf is that not self-hate. It's definitely probably from him getting bullied for being dark during his childhood and then letting it turn to self-hate. (Even tho that has more to do with darkskin/lightskin colorism rather than hating his own race)There's actually a lot of black guys I realized are like him too.
Lots of black men got self-image issues, it's actually sad.
“I’m already black I don’t need no black b****” - Kodak Black
So y’all would rather a nigga force himself into a relationship with someone just cause they both black.
Everybody call Kodak ugly and black but wanna cry when he do it back
Why y’all think his name “Black”
But oh right... “self hate”
So y’all would rather a nigga force himself into a relationship with someone just cause they both black.
People would rather someone not hate their own race If you read the post I even said it doesn't apply to people who are open to dating all races, including other black people.
However the ones who go around exclusively refusing to date black girls def got some self-hate in there, and they usually meet some of the criteria mentioned.
Please explain why a dark-skin person thinking dark-skinned women are ugly, or a black person thinking all black people in general are unattractive is 'normal' and has nothing to do with programmed self-hate
I remember this black girl in high school I was friends with who said she only is attracted to white men.
Then later on I remember one of my first conversations with her ass she asked me 'Can you imagine yourself white?' and I said 'No, not really' then her ass replied 'I imagine it all the time' jokingly.
Legit when you get to know black people who refuse to date other blacks they always show the signs of self-hate. That s*** is not a joke.
So y’all would rather a nigga force himself into a relationship with someone just cause they both black.
But what’s the reason for not being attracted to black women in the first place? How can a nigga hate a while group of black women and refuse to be in a relationship with them that’s self hated right there
I don’t have a problem with niggas dating interracial, hell the only girlfriend I’ve ever had was white but when it comes at the expense of dogging black women then it’s a problem.
There’s a difference between dating someone who’s not black but still being attracted to black women and refusing to date black because you despite your own skin.
If you aren't attracted to your own color of people there's likely some self-hate in there.
It is also obvious because these people tend to exhibit it so much and don't even hide it, because they don't realize.
9/10 black people who only date exclusively whites usually meet one of these. It just reflects how they think less of black people overall.
And I'm not referring to those people open to dating all people (including other black people) but someone who specifically goes after white women/men.
Kodak Black for example literally said he thinks all dark-skinned women are ugly... despite being dark-skinned, his momma being dark-skin, etc. How tf is that not self-hate. It's definitely probably from him getting bullied for being dark during his childhood and then letting it turn to self-hate. (Even tho that has more to do with darkskin/lightskin colorism rather than hating his own race)There's actually a lot of black guys I realized are like him too.
Lots of black men got self-image issues, it's actually sad.
Only in the our community, where a preference is considered a political statement.
I see what ur saying and their are some black men that do this but not every black man who likes a certain race hates their own.
People would rather someone not hate their own race If you read the post I even said it doesn't apply to people who are open to dating all races, including other black people.
However the ones who go around exclusively refusing to date black girls def got some self-hate in there, and they usually meet some of the criteria mentioned.
Please explain why a dark-skin person thinking dark-skinned women are ugly, or a black person thinking all black people in general are unattractive is 'normal' and has nothing to do with programmed self-hate
Kodak Black said that “if he prefers skinny women more than a chubbier or heavyset woman, if he can say that and nobody can get mad him, I just said I don’t like women with my complexion."
He continued: “I love African American women, but I just don’t like my skin complexion. We too gutter, light-skinned women more sensitive.” (Excerpt from a Complex article)
Sounds like it has something to do with his upbringing bro. I think he’s just ignorant in this sense, opposite of being a coon. Atleast in Dr. Umar’s definition
I don’t see how you can call it self-hate..this nigga pretty fond of himself
Only in the our community, where a preference is considered a political statement.
I see what ur saying and their are some black men that do this but not every black man who likes a certain race hates their own.
I just don’t see how dudes can find all black women unattractive and only prefer a different race and there not be self hatred there.
You also gotta remember what the black community in America went through and see the proper context around it...
Only in the our community, where a preference is considered a political statement.
I see what ur saying and their are some black men that do this but not every black man who likes a certain race hates their own.
If you like dog out black women's looks, don't want your kids to look black, dog out darkskin in general, or only have white friends (basically saying you don't associate with black people) then yeah there IS self-hate lmao.
More times than not they meet these criteria.
I went to a majority black high school and it's literally niggas who date white girls and somehow all their friends are white too.
But what’s the reason for not being attracted to black women in the first place? How can a nigga hate a while group of black women and refuse to be in a relationship with them that’s self hated right there
I don’t have a problem with niggas dating interracial, hell the only girlfriend I’ve ever had was white but when it comes at the expense of dogging black women then it’s a problem.
There’s a difference between dating someone who’s not black but still being attracted to black women and refusing to date black because you despite your own skin.
I just don’t see how you don’t find another black man attractive
There’s so many handsome beautiful black men...
You must hate yourself...
Do you see the logic? It’s just that nigga preference bro. Not our business tbh but I wouldn’t be so quick to call it self hate. His son is as black as him as well as all his homies.
Kodak Black said that “if he prefers skinny women more than a chubbier or heavyset woman, if he can say that and nobody can get mad him, I just said I don’t like women with my complexion."
He continued: “I love African American women, but I just don’t like my skin complexion. We too gutter, light-skinned women more sensitive.” (Excerpt from a Complex article)
Sounds like it has something to do with his upbringing bro. I think he’s just ignorant in this sense, opposite of being a coon. Atleast in Dr. Umar’s definition
I don’t see how you can call it self-hate..this nigga pretty fond of himself
Wtf how did you read that and NOT see self-hate
Media has always portrayed dark-skinned black women as manly, angry/aggressive, loud/ratchet, unpretty, stereotypical ghetto black girl. Even black media a lot of times plays into that colorism.
He let himself get brainwashed. How you gonna say ALL dark-skinned women are less sensitive/gutter compared to light-skin women? Like wtf. He literally said he thinks dark-skinned blacks are less desirable than light-skinned blacks.
Wtf how did you read that and NOT see self-hate
Media has always portrayed dark-skinned black women as manly, angry/aggressive, loud/ratchet, unpretty, stereotypical ghetto black girl. Even black media a lot of times plays into that colorism.
He let himself get brainwashed. How you gonna say ALL dark-skinned women are less sensitive/gutter compared to light-skin women? Like wtf. He literally said he thinks dark-skinned blacks are less desirable than light-skinned blacks.
My nigga...please step outside of your cave. You do realize this nigga is literally a project baby? You think this nigga was getting “brainwashed” by the media growing up?
He probably seen the s*** first hand lol and I’ve seen it too. Not all our women are like that but a lot are and they’re not all innocent lol.
I just don’t see how you don’t find another black man attractive
There’s so many handsome beautiful black men...
You must hate yourself...
Do you see the logic? It’s just that nigga preference bro. Not our business tbh but I wouldn’t be so quick to call it self hate. His son is as black as him as well as all his homies.
This nigga here
You got it my g
Wtf how did you read that and NOT see self-hate
Media has always portrayed dark-skinned black women as manly, angry/aggressive, loud/ratchet, unpretty, stereotypical ghetto black girl. Even black media a lot of times plays into that colorism.
He let himself get brainwashed. How you gonna say ALL dark-skinned women are less sensitive/gutter compared to light-skin women? Like wtf. He literally said he thinks dark-skinned blacks are less desirable than light-skinned blacks.
Lots of niggas live in denial about their self-hatred. Will constantly blame it on something else, or act like they don't see a connection. Willfully ignorant.
My nigga...please step outside of your cave. You do realize this nigga is literally a project baby? You think this nigga was getting “brainwashed” by the media growing up?
He probably seen the s*** first hand lol and I’ve seen it too. Not all our women are like that but a lot are and they’re not all innocent lol.
Yes I think media does play into it.
I've lived in some of the worst parts of my city as a kid at some point. If you truly lived in a gutter area you know it's not lightskin/darkskin acting a specific way... it's hoodass light-skin girls and also hoodass dark-skin girls in those areas. Nearly everyone is hood as s*** lmao.
You don't go into the projects and only see light-skinned people acting desirable and dark-skinned people acting gutter LMAO.
Yes I think media does play into it.
I've lived in some of the worst parts of my city as a kid at some point. If you truly lived in a gutter area you know it's not lightskin/darkskin acting a specific way... it's hoodass light-skin girls and also hoodass dark-skin girls in those areas. Nearly everyone is hood as s*** lmao.
You don't go into the projects and only see light-skinned people acting desirable and dark-skinned people acting gutter LMAO.
You can’t say that though lmao most likely this nigga had some traumatizing s*** happen and caused his bias get off my nigga yak mane
You can’t say that though lmao most likely this nigga had some traumatizing s*** happen and caused his bias get off my nigga yak mane
The biggest factor in him finding dark-skin women unattractive is probably he got bullied for being very dark as a kid. He also probably saw (and participated) in dark-skin girls getting bullied for their skin color.
So then he grew up viewing dark-skin women as unattractive. A lot of the joking/bullying for being dark does effect darkskin men's self-esteem over time.