Black women been told both directly and indirectly our hair is dirty, ugly, undesirable, unproffesional and masculine so to make it in in a society that tells you those things many adapted and changed the structure of their hair chemically, by straightening, or the least damaging way of all: wearing weaves/wigs.
Nowadays black women are actually embracing their hair and finding new ways to care for it. Wearing wigs aka what you called horse hair is actually a protective style to many women as it provides versatility and protection at the same time. Doesn't always have to do with being proud or not. Besides that it's not just a black woman thing anymore as with nearly everything else that becomes mainstream.
Hope that helped
Thank you for informing me.
And I apologize for my ignorance.
you're a sxn mod ?
I am
Thank you for informing me.
And I apologize for my ignorance.
Dont worry I'm glad you open to learn
Im going on a rant, but I feel like Derrick Jaxn's entire social media presence is setting relations between Black Women and Black Men back and keeping us divided.
When I peeped the comment thread of one of his posts lately, the level of hatred that Black Women were talking about Black Men reminded me of threads Ive seen where Racist White People would just insult tf out of Black People.
I've also seen the same level of hatred the other way around as well.
Ive seen too many Black Men and Black Women arguing on social media to force the other into taking accountability, and I see valid points made on both sides, but I hate to see us this divided when no other Race entertains the division as much as we do.
When it comes to the hair of black women, that’s a curse that’s been placed on our women and society UNTIL we return to God. See again, that Bible is our book. It documents everything about us.
Read this and one will get how this scripture is dealing with our beautiful African American women today.
It explains why they wear weaves and have short hair.
Tell me this aint about the black community, where us kids at times wild out from a yout. Single black moms as well is prominent in our society. Also the last verse explaining why us men are being killed in the streets. Either by cops or ourselves.
Isaiah 3:12, 16-25
had some kfc today
Oh haha I get it you posted that here because black ppl like chicken 🙄😒
Oh haha I get it you posted that here because black ppl like chicken 🙄😒
I’ve been told by some people that since I’m Dominican I’m not actually black what are y’alls opinions on this ?
I’ve been told by some people that since I’m Dominican I’m not actually black what are y’alls opinions on this ?
They right lol
I’ve been told by some people that since I’m Dominican I’m not actually black what are y’alls opinions on this ?
You're definitely black. You're just a carribean black person
Haha black ppl like chicken. Let me make a post about copping some KFC.
Leave that kind of s*** out this thread plz