@amoryblain @awakefainted @prbz @pambeesley @adam @gbluecheez @666 @Ghosting @proper @RVI
Gonna listen tomorrow when I can, excited
listening at work tomorrow, sleeping after Future album if i even finish it tonight
cant wait to hear what u think thank u so much
The way she came in on Wish is crazy
Her performance on that was genius shes so good
LETS GOO Been waiting on this to drop. Have very close memories with my GF with Whatever, Man so we’re definitely spinning this tonight !!
Aw thats cute
Hope yall ejoy it!! Love u bro
Just downloaded tapping in tomorrow at work congrats @Mitchell
Hell yeah thanks man i cant wait to hear what u think
just copped off bandcamp
left yall a lil message too
thanks bro, i love u fr
i have a lot of respect for you, you’re very of the culture
so ready to get back into it
Miss u bro cant wait to hear what u think
Gonna peep this bro
Cannot wait to hear you think bro!! Appreciate you
gonna peep this after jamie xx
Im gonna peep Jamie xx tonight im so stoked
Lmk what you think of both albums bro
bruh idk who the female singer is but her voice is so good
THEBABEGABE her first solo project is coming out in 2025 and its sooo good
my friend medici and myself produced the whole thing
Gonna be spinning this just spinning and getting to know every song
Cannot wait to hear your further thoughts
Thank you and hope you had a good bday bro
i jus gotta say soulmatez is jus such abeautiful song, perfect single choice and the moment it came on during the album i got chills lmfao
thank you so much
i definitely like the song better in context bc its much needed for the tone
@Grimes @FREE @sfsorrow @hayabusa @vagabonds @bad_finger_boogie @aaron_xx_ @flizzy @bruntz @NeonBuddy
So glad you guys dropped on Bandcamp, will peep this weekend
Perfect sources to study from and it paid off in the final product brother
I had never listened to Common fr before me working on this album and referencing LWFC and producing my friends album thats about to drop and referencing Be
Bro is hella good
@op if u ever need some sick trap drums/synths i got u
Bet bro can you dm me on insta and i’ll follow you so we can lock in