  • Aug 28, 2023

    the running sound effect on dancing dead boys club

  • Aug 28, 2023

    The pink haired one


  • Aug 28, 2023

    Denji a way better character than Ichigo tho. Yuji Itadori too

    Can have no goals but still be a well written character. Imo Ichigo, besides his design, isnt that great of a character

    I would agree that Ichigo lost a bit of personality during the TYBW arc but early Ichigo and even Fullbring arc Ichigo had a lot of personality. His punkish personality usually shines through in the more humorous moments which this arc just doesn’t have. The banter he has with other characters is always a highlight in the series but TYBW Ichigo is just always in serious mode because of serious s*** happening

  • Aug 28, 2023
    1 reply

    Denji a way better character than Ichigo tho. Yuji Itadori too

    Can have no goals but still be a well written character. Imo Ichigo, besides his design, isnt that great of a character

    Literally nobody cares bro why would you trash talk bleach in its own thread. Go somewhere else with that s***

  • Aug 28, 2023
    1 reply

    Dude talking about some move after launching a nuke lmao

    Idk to me I always thought having him low diff all of them who surrounded him at the end would have been the best way to show off how strong he became

    He really doesn’t do s\*\*\* for the rest of the plot

    I don’t even know what other moment they have to show his strength

    a lot of people want a real Uryu-Ichigo fight but the manga doesn’t provide a real moment for that iirc. Unless Kubo just sets up an entire fight, which would be interesting but probably hard. Both of them really need that moment tbh

  • Aug 28, 2023

    Still hoping to see a straight reference or acknowledgement of Tokinada at some point. I know there's speculation from a shot in the cour 2 trailer, but something more vivid in an episode would be amazing.

  • Purrp 🌚
    Aug 28, 2023
    1 reply

    I don’t even know what other moment they have to show his strength

    a lot of people want a real Uryu-Ichigo fight but the manga doesn’t provide a real moment for that iirc. Unless Kubo just sets up an entire fight, which would be interesting but probably hard. Both of them really need that moment tbh

    I’m pretty sure we’re gonna get an anime only fight of them two but it’s gonna be a stalemate if it happens

    he does nothing but get punked the rest of the show

  • Aug 28, 2023
    1 reply

    I’m pretty sure we’re gonna get an anime only fight of them two but it’s gonna be a stalemate if it happens

    he does nothing but get punked the rest of the show

    Yeah basically lol. Whatever positive moments he does have end up getting negged

    The problem is that all of the Quincy powers at the end of the series just end up negating whatever you do, and based on how they showed James’s ability, I think they’ll have to do the same with the A, B, M. Like no matter the heroes do…negged

  • Aug 28, 2023

    I think literally the 4 biggest fights in the end game of this series end like that lol

    No matter how much good will this arc has drawn for Bleach, it’s going to have to be some masterful depicting/retelling to get full buy in from non Bleachies atp

  • Purrp 🌚
    Aug 28, 2023
    2 replies

    Yeah basically lol. Whatever positive moments he does have end up getting negged

    The problem is that all of the Quincy powers at the end of the series just end up negating whatever you do, and based on how they showed James’s ability, I think they’ll have to do the same with the A, B, M. Like no matter the heroes do…negged

    That’s why I view the arc so negatively. Kubo wrote himself into a ridiculous corner at the end and it makes sense why the ending is so convoluted and dumb. I really hope they expand that explanation as Yhwach is too OP. None of the soul reapers win pretty much any of the fights yet they do bc plot in the form of Yhwach stealing their power

    I remember reading this s*** week to week then randomly hearing it was gonna end in 3 weeks thinking “how the f*** is it gonna end in 3 chapters” there’s at least 15 chapters worth of content it feels like we don’t get

  • Purrp

    That’s why I view the arc so negatively. Kubo wrote himself into a ridiculous corner at the end and it makes sense why the ending is so convoluted and dumb. I really hope they expand that explanation as Yhwach is too OP. None of the soul reapers win pretty much any of the fights yet they do bc plot in the form of Yhwach stealing their power

    I remember reading this s*** week to week then randomly hearing it was gonna end in 3 weeks thinking “how the f*** is it gonna end in 3 chapters” there’s at least 15 chapters worth of content it feels like we don’t get

    Yeah I read it in I believe 2018 or 19 now, and I didn’t have the context of Kubo’s declining health or the pretty immediate decrease in interest for the arc by readers. I could see why the plug was pulled early with how meandering the early-middle is (and with how little actually gets answered even with all that time spent). Those gigantic closing arcs are so tough for mangakas, esp with the weekly format. Add bureaucracy and the desire to wrap up every loose plot line and I’m sure it’s exhausting

    I don’t think Kubo was really in the right health to do such a massive undertaking, and I honestly do believe he has contributed to the anime arc with desiring some sense of real closure.

  • Aug 28, 2023
    1 reply

    I guarantee if they had double the episodes like we originally hoped, he could write himself out of the Uryu-Haschwalth fight. I think he could make the Ichigo comeback into the last Yhwach fight way smoother, explain the Silver arrow, do more with Isshin & Ryuken (who haven’t been seen in a minute, but they’ll prob be last arc material), and then maybe do a more fleshed out Aizen-Yhwach bout and make Renji matter more). I don’t see how he fixes the Miracle fight though lmao

  • Purrp 🌚
    Aug 28, 2023

    I guarantee if they had double the episodes like we originally hoped, he could write himself out of the Uryu-Haschwalth fight. I think he could make the Ichigo comeback into the last Yhwach fight way smoother, explain the Silver arrow, do more with Isshin & Ryuken (who haven’t been seen in a minute, but they’ll prob be last arc material), and then maybe do a more fleshed out Aizen-Yhwach bout and make Renji matter more). I don’t see how he fixes the Miracle fight though lmao

    While on the one hand I wanted the extra episode count so more could be fleshed out, the pacing is so tight that I’m glad it’s the length it is. Idk it’ll take a miracle to fix that back half but I’m still excited to see it all animated a lot of hype moments left to see

    And yeah the week to week serialization of shonen burns pretty much everyone out. For me at least Naruto mostly avoided it but you see it now in MHA and JJK to an extent (although he’s allotted a fair amount of breaks atp)

  • Aug 28, 2023
    1 reply

    That’s why I view the arc so negatively. Kubo wrote himself into a ridiculous corner at the end and it makes sense why the ending is so convoluted and dumb. I really hope they expand that explanation as Yhwach is too OP. None of the soul reapers win pretty much any of the fights yet they do bc plot in the form of Yhwach stealing their power

    I remember reading this s*** week to week then randomly hearing it was gonna end in 3 weeks thinking “how the f*** is it gonna end in 3 chapters” there’s at least 15 chapters worth of content it feels like we don’t get

    didn’t kubo get f***ed by the publishers? pretty sure he had had more planned and he got told last minute he’s got 3 weeks

    but my memory isn’t 100%

  • Purrp 🌚
    Aug 28, 2023

    didn’t kubo get f***ed by the publishers? pretty sure he had had more planned and he got told last minute he’s got 3 weeks

    but my memory isn’t 100%

    Think it was publishers, lowered sales/ popularity and his health all mixed in. Pretty sad since bleach was still his baby

  • Aug 28, 2023

    Literally nobody cares bro why would you trash talk bleach in its own thread. Go somewhere else with that s***

    Dont trash talk Bleach. Criticize the mc and do that in the thread meant for it

  • Aug 28, 2023

    Kubo said that it was mostly his health and I think the Jump editors clarified once that they never canceled Bleach. What I also found out through the afterword of the Gintama author is that authors have to tell Jump half a year in advance that they are going to end their series. So Kubo might’ve miscalculated how many chapters he actually needed and he was in bad shape anyway, so he might’ve just ended it to have time off.

  • Aug 28, 2023
    2 replies

    Do yall recommend bleach I wanna watch it but its alot of episodes dont wanna invest into alla that if its just meh.

  • Aug 28, 2023
    1 reply
    Don Whoreleone

    Do yall recommend bleach I wanna watch it but its alot of episodes dont wanna invest into alla that if its just meh.

    What kinda anime you like?

  • Aug 28, 2023

    What kinda anime you like?

    Dont really have preference, if its good I'll watch it.

  • Don Whoreleone

    Do yall recommend bleach I wanna watch it but its alot of episodes dont wanna invest into alla that if its just meh.

    Just read until this arc

  • Aug 28, 2023
    1 reply

    Hell Arc one shot will be colorized and released on Sept 4th

  • HURRY UP sab 🧔🏻
    Aug 28, 2023
  • Aug 28, 2023
    1 reply

    My b, I just saw your DM @trckstrstwrt idk if you’re still around

  • Niggamortis

    My b, I just saw your DM @trckstrstwrt idk if you’re still around

    i am hold up
