Currently in Japan for the first time. Made certain that I’d get to watch this live on their TV. Felt like a childhood dream come true
What channel did Bleach air on?
mayuri on sum inspector gadget s***, also #wtfisthis bankai
I swear nobody could have played him so well like Frieza seiyuu
also miss me with da "cgi wuz bad" bullshit, s*** was chefkiss
Currently in Japan for the first time. Made certain that I’d get to watch this live on their TV. Felt like a childhood dream come true
I was in Osaka while it was airing, didn’t bother looking for it because no subtitles
I was in Osaka while it was airing, didn’t bother looking for it because no subtitles
yeah, still nice to witness as a near lifelong anime viewer.
I forgot that Bleach might have the goat opening run in shounen
Opening 1-9 are all classics
I forgot that Bleach might have the goat opening run in shounen
Opening 1-9 are all classics
Bleach, OG Naruto, FMAB
How many episodes are there? There taking hella long with this unlike the manga
Pretty much one more cour with this being fleshed out
is anyone else not enjoying this latest season
i'm with you, it def feels like the weakest so far. idk if you're a manga reader but this is where the story started to fall apart and drag for me while reading and the adaptation hasn't done anything to change that. when the source material is already flawed there's not a lot you can do to elevate it much, even though they're trying by expanding on some stuff
Bleach, OG Naruto, FMAB
Shippuden also got plenty god tier openers but yes to all 3
Smile bomb was also good
Shippuden also got plenty god tier openers but yes to all 3
Smile bomb was also good
Oh god yes smile bomb. I revisit that often.
Kenshin had a few bangers too
Oh god yes smile bomb. I revisit that often.
Kenshin had a few bangers too
I listen to departure and I haven’t even seen the show yet 💀
I listen to departure and I haven’t even seen the show yet 💀
oof get on it man. been meaning to rewatch forever.
was just in Japan and the love for Champloo and Nujabes was still hot.
is anyone else not enjoying this latest season
it's the opposite for me, i'm enjoying it more because the new, welcomed, added material to improve the story