I haven’t even had a Ps4 for 3 years but i will be buying a PS5 basically at launch if all the rumors line up and we’re really getting a patch upgrade and Elden Ring within the same next year or so. Would be amazing
And as much complaints as I see for the frame rate sometimes for me it’s done really well it almost feels closer to a midway between 30-60 that it feels seamless whereas DS3 feels like almost 20fps often on my slim. But DS2: SOTFS looks incredible so the potential for Bloodborne is endless on a damn PS5
yeah i never had any real problem with frame drops outside of a few instances in old yahrnam
That hurt. Happy for demon souls tho.
That hurt. Happy for demon souls tho.
Relax Sony do another show in August they will show it there probably...
Demon’s would have take all the spotlight anyways
Where the ps5 update
Theyll gonna remaster that b****
Where the ps5 update
I’ve been wanting to do another run so bad but I can’t keep playing this at 30fps
no f***ing way. Remake or remaster?
We've been through this a million times. I ain't believing s*** until it comes from Fromsoft
Only if it's a remake. A remaster ain't doing nothing for me
Yeah I need a remake but I'd be lying if I said I'm not copping a remaster either
Another bloodborne rumor
f*** it, why not im ready to be hurt again
Literally just replayed this two weeks ago.
It’s actually kind of crazy how easy this game is post-Elden Ring.
Bro I just started playing this game properly now I'm debating if I should stop and wait
But apparently the source is David Jaffe who's not super reliable
Yeah it’s not happening