it definitely does depend on your play style. if you want a faster weapon with lower damage go for the saw spear but if you want the opposite for the holy blade. id personally go for the saw spear i played the entire game with the saw cleaver lol
I decided to go saw spear and first try against the vicar I tore it up, like it was easy as hell. I am a couple levels higher than I was yesterday but still it blew my mind how quick I blasted through her, used like one or two blood vials. I did have fire paper on the spear tho
Edit: f*** the Ludwig holy blade that s***'s way too slow
lol Bloodborne is the only platinum I've EVER gotten only because it's so straight forward. Just kill all bosses and get all weapons iirc. I hate pointless grindy s*** so I would never have gotten it otherwise.
its my only plat too
lol Bloodborne is the only platinum I've EVER gotten only because it's so straight forward. Just kill all bosses and get all weapons iirc. I hate pointless grindy s*** so I would never have gotten it otherwise.
The chalices are one of the most grindy things I’ve ever done...
I decided to go saw spear and first try against the vicar I tore it up, like it was easy as hell. I am a couple levels higher than I was yesterday but still it blew my mind how quick I blasted through her, used like one or two blood vials. I did have fire paper on the spear tho
Edit: f*** the Ludwig holy blade that s***'s way too slow
The chalices are one of the most grindy things I’ve ever done...
i didn't have to grind much. you're just going deeper into the dungeon and killing bosses. when i say grindy i mean like.. farm materials for days to upgrade every weapon even though you're never gonna use half of them anyway. that kinda s***.
finally clicked with me, this game is great was playing it
for hours yesterday but feel like i'm not gonna end up finishing it
finally clicked with me, this game is great was playing it
for hours yesterday but feel like i'm not gonna end up finishing it
stick with it bro. its a once in a generation game.
First time I ever played it when it released I went full Crow Hunter build. the moment i saw Eileen i knew i needed that set
Last summer I did an arcane build for the first time went through the hacked chalice dungeons to get top tier gems for fire and put them on the saw spear + bolt gems to put on the tonitrus
no boss stood a chance
stick with it bro. its a once in a generation game.
i'd be lying to myself if i said i'm not loving this game only took me 4 years
I just beat the vacuous spider and am in the unseen village part after that, how far along do you guys think I am, like halfway through main story or less/more?
I just beat the vacuous spider and am in the unseen village part after that, how far along do you guys think I am, like halfway through main story or less/more?
I’d say you’re like 60-70% done
I just beat the vacuous spider and am in the unseen village part after that, how far along do you guys think I am, like halfway through main story or less/more?
around half way there. play the dlc if you can though, thats when the real game begins
Almost done with my 3rd play through ever, wish the DLC was cheaper here in the UK, s*** costs more than the actual game
I've never played the DLC
play it my favourite boss in the entire game is in the dlc
still haven't beat this
im at the blood-starved beast . I feel like giving up
Bro just get help.
Got me into the souls games. This game was amazing. Very glad I experienced it all
play it my favourite boss in the entire game is in the dlc
How long is it do you know? Like how many more hours does it add?
Got me into the souls games. This game was amazing. Very glad I experienced it all
I tried playing Dark Souls 3 after this but I still cannot get into it lmao, bloodborne mde it seem too slow for me
How long is it do you know? Like how many more hours does it add?
9 hours according to