no, uncut gems. i had bought a ticket to go see I Heard You Paint Houses and there was apparently a secret hype screening of uncut gems happening. i met benny safdie in the lobby and he ok'd me to see it then.
Very cool
when the safdies were in austin promoting the film the alamo guy compared them to tarientino and it visibly ticked josh off
Lmaooo fr? Oh wow
Damn this getting pushed back to summer @op
didn't know this was a book. picked it up yesterday.
And finished reading it today.
Why the hell is WB holding this trailer hostage man
They’re gonna make it a theatrical exclusive with Aquaman watch
I was referring to you, like finishing your sentence.
idk how to read
They’re gonna make it a theatrical exclusive with Aquaman watch
I basically go for free so staying for the previews & dipping isn’t a problem
We should’ve had this with Dune
Battinson said “just cause I’m doing capeshit don’t mean I’m not doing indie’s anymore”
this isnt indie ?
Imagining a reality where Bong crafted a stinker and WB is going to rush promo and leave this out to die
I pray that I am being delusional