Imagining a reality where Bong crafted a stinker and WB is going to rush promo and leave this out to die
I pray that I am being delusional
More then likely getting pushed back for a festival premiere
Imagining a reality where Bong crafted a stinker and WB is going to rush promo and leave this out to die
I pray that I am being delusional
In for a Bong Joon Ho stinker
@op its over
EDIT: old tweet deleted
@op its over
EDIT: old tweet deleted
@op its over
EDIT: old tweet deleted
@op its over
EDIT: old tweet deleted
I don’t see s*** what it say
Thought this was gonna be some weird Disney collab based off title
Edit: Just read description. Sounded interesting
WB deserves to go bankrupt and zaslav should pay back his salary