WaT spoiler!!!
What chapter you in b4 I check the spoiler
The 2024 State of the Sanderson should be posted sometime this week. Isles of the Emberdark is confirmed for 2025
I personally don’t mind the long break. You got some people complaining about over-saturation, then some fans complain about long breaks from the flagship series.
You can’t please them all + it gives more time for more readers to catch up who are intimated by such a massive universe
Yea I agree in a sense. I got a lot of other books I want to read meanwhile
You guys breezing past the book I'm only on chapter 60
Not my fault, couldn’t put it down
Damn White Sand prose is pushed back Maybe I should pick up the comic version in the meantime
Bro really announcing that the sequel to his latest novel will drop in 7 years time
Just got kinda spoiled in what happens to kaladin
Spoiled for myself what happened to him accidentally while I was tryna Google Nale’s full name spelling. Fortunately didn’t make reading that ending any less impactful
Ending book scrambled thoughts wow five books just for the enemy to win in the end :jordancry2:
Kaladin It makes sense he becomes a herald hes a great leader. I wonder if he will have a lot of pov chapters in the mext saga. I really like the relationship syl and he has. Im surprised by the response of some ppl hating on syl x kaladin. I'm not say I'm especially for it but it's not a bad pairing imo.
Adolin wow what a beast. I thought he was gonna die for sure. Idk how believable it was that he survived that long with a peg leg especially against the duel with the fused lol. He's gonna miss out on his kid's childhood like how dalinar did to him
Shallan It seems like she's finally going to stop having her personas takeover, thank God. Her part wasn't my favorite in this book. It's implied she's pregnant in the end. I wonder how long the timeskip will be for the next book and when she will be able to escape shadesmere
Dalinar not one of my favorite characters but i like his part in the plot. I was shocked when gavilar was odiums champion that was crazy
szeth this book put him into my top 5\. Man he suffered so much
Mistborn era 2 spoilers so the ending of WaT is the beginning of era 2? That's when with starts his job as the driver for wax. there will definitely be more involvement with scadrial and roshar
Anyone else feel more bad when a spren dies or suffers than when it happens to a human lol
Anyone else feel more bad when a spren dies or suffers than when it happens to a human lol
Yes because humans suck.
Wow what an ending. This being book 5 of 10, we won’t fully understand the implications here until we get Arc 2 so who knows if it ages better once we do.
Spoiler thoughts:
I don’t mind the decision to make this 10 days instead of the normal 5-part structure. It had to be this way in order for all the chess pieces to move. But I do admit that it broke some of the tension with changing POV’s so fast
All the characters decision making felt true to the character. Like Szeth saying I am the law, then breaking his oath after we got his full backstory.
I didn’t love the twist of Gavinor being the champion, even tho it was foreshadowed and was an active theory in the fandom. It just felt like at a certain point halfway thru the book it became apparent that Odium was going to choose him so I wasn’t shocked.
My favorite parts of the book was all the Tanavast chapters and getting flashbacks of the Shards origins in Roshar, the truth about Humans vs Parshendi, the oathpact. Second favorite was Dalinar and Shallan going thru visions. Shallan’s mother being confirmed. So many questions were answered.
Favorite chapter was Jasnah and Taravangian’s philosophy debate on the greater good. Cinema. She’s also confirmed to be a flashback character in Arc 2 so I can’t wait to see how her philosophy changes after this
Least favorite thing (this happens in all his books) is that every major fight scene ends with something convienently saving the day at the very last moment. I never felt like Adolin or Kaladin were in any real danger especially when they verbally said “this is how I die” I was like stop the cap something is gonna save you when I flip the page
Kaladin’s destination was worth everything he had to go through. I can’t wait til we get more of him and the other Herald’s chapters in Arc 2
Overall, I give this a 4/5. My ranking might change on a re-read but
Words of Radiance
The Way of Kings
Wind and Truth
Rhythm of War
I'm gonna reread sunlit man
the highspren 12124 being Aux is a cool touch. Using numbers as alphabet:
1(A) 21(U) 24(X)
the highspren 12124 being Aux is a cool touch. Using numbers as alphabet:
1(A) 21(U) 24(X)
good catch i never would've noticed