About to embark on my Stormlight Archives journey. Starting with The Way of Kings
Recently started Elantris
That's how you starting off sandersons books?
About to embark on my Stormlight Archives journey. Starting with The Way of Kings
you lucky b******
have fun on Roshar
Kaladan a fool for not taking the Shardblade. I understand the moment and context, but I hate when people lose their resolve at the finish line
Kaladan a fool for not taking the Shardblade. I understand the moment and context, but I hate when people lose their resolve at the finish line
Don’t think it’s about a loss of resolve. The more you learn about those blades the more you’ll get it.
Finished The Way of Kings a few days ago. I started Words of Radiance almost immediately after I should write down my thoughts but I’m so sucked in right now. I just wanna keep reading
Finished The Way of Kings a few days ago. I started Words of Radiance almost immediately after I should write down my thoughts but I’m so sucked in right now. I just wanna keep reading
Being sucked in
Words of Radiance is good but my least favorite so far (currently working though book 4).
Ultimately, it is because I loathe Shallan. Her character gets worse and worse for me, hahah. Her backstory is okay…but her character f***ing blows
Words of Radiance is good but my least favorite so far (currently working though book 4).
Ultimately, it is because I loathe Shallan. Her character gets worse and worse for me, hahah. Her backstory is okay…but her character f***ing blows
You're not a fan of Shallan's quick tongue and witticisms?
You're not a fan of Shallan's quick tongue and witticisms?
Witty characters are a dime a dozen, imo. I would much rather hear it from Wit.
If shallan had other redeemable qualities then her dialogue would be fine. But everything else about her pisses me off, hahaha. The different personas and how it shapes how she copes is so lame
You're not a fan of Shallan's quick tongue and witticisms?
I like that part of her but I hate the Multiple personalities she has. Everytime she switches I let out a big sigh. It's a shame cuz I liked her in the first book a lot more
Witty characters are a dime a dozen, imo. I would much rather hear it from Wit.
If shallan had other redeemable qualities then her dialogue would be fine. But everything else about her pisses me off, hahaha. The different personas and how it shapes how she copes is so lame
I don’t love her
To be fair. Wit is one of my favorite characters ever invented.
Witty characters are a dime a dozen, imo. I would much rather hear it from Wit.
If shallan had other redeemable qualities then her dialogue would be fine. But everything else about her pisses me off, hahaha. The different personas and how it shapes how she copes is so lame
Oh I was just f***ing with you. I think her dialogue sucks too
Oh I was just f***ing with you. I think her dialogue sucks too
hahha, ahhhh - i try to be open to people's interests in novels. just cause it is not for me does not mean it is not for someone type beat
Sorta random but the book is making me want to finish playing Triangle Strategy
I bought the game when it first dropped and never finished it up
Witty characters are a dime a dozen, imo. I would much rather hear it from Wit.
If shallan had other redeemable qualities then her dialogue would be fine. But everything else about her pisses me off, hahaha. The different personas and how it shapes how she copes is so lame
Just realized every BS book I read has that type of character in it