Who tf cares
shut the f*** up nerd
sorry your persona leaker is a basement dweller who would have guessed
sorry your persona leaker is a basement dweller who would have guessed
they was getting a lot of fame and clout
i think it deserves a thread, u clicked on it so u care too
“The japanese woman we're being misogynistic to is an american guy in his 20s who thinks it's his life mission to provide us with sega information since sega wouldn't give him a job.
Tier 1 leaker my ass - mysticdistance becoming an asian woman and getting a single set of presentations and drip feed leaking them doesn't make him suddenly credible after 10 years of being wrong.”
Who tf cares
out of all the people on this forum you're like the one person who isn't allowed to act like they're above this s***
out of all the people on this forum you're like the one person who isn't allowed to act like they're above this s***
Yes I am
Renewed leaker?
got 133k followers on twitter. And has increasingly getting more and more bigger with time
Pretty big leaker in the jrpg, nintendo and sega comunities specially, and people took her word as confirmation
i think this deserves a thread
You telling me this man cosplaying as a japanese woman was guessing all that s*** they leaked the whole time
You telling me this man cosplaying as a japanese woman was guessing all that s*** they leaked the whole time
read the link
not literally guessing, just begged for info on discords. They was also cosplaying as some kind of sega employee
If kroniic is above this then you know it's some chronically online mega nerd s***
When i find out fitgirlrepacks is a man even tho i already think they are my heart will never heal
got 133k followers on twitter. And has increasingly getting more and more bigger with time
Pretty big leaker in the jrpg, nintendo and sega comunities specially, and people took her word as confirmation
i think this deserves a thread
Most people with clout and big profiles are living a lie, especially when its influencer level
When i find out fitgirlrepacks is a man even tho i already think they are my heart will never heal
If kroniic is above this then you know it's some chronically online mega nerd s***
Naw, I'd say it's an actual deserved thread.
Midori became a prominent enough leaker that "she" became a mainstream figure in gaming. She had like 150K Followers, and would be frequently trending herself whenever she reported something
Actual gaming journalist and legit sights like GameSpot, IGN, Polygon, etc. started using her leaks for actual reports. And it would always be noted with
"Reliable Leaker Midori Says".
The fact that they actually were lying legitimately puts all recent "insider" gaming news in question for one thing
read the link
not literally guessing, just begged for info on discords. They was also cosplaying as some kind of sega employee
His initial leaks were real.
He was able to get a hold of a SEGA presentation that revealed their release schedule and plans for games 2021-2023 fiscal years.
So all of Midori's leaks within that time frame were real. Even some beyond that. Like there are probably games they had planned for 2023 that got pushed back a year or 2.
However, once his well started running dry he started infiltrating discord servers to dig up more leaks(clout is a hell of a d***).
So all the leaks he's given on other companies like Square, Nintendo, etc, should now be taken with a super grain of salt.
And he likely has surface level info on stuff releasing beyond 2024.
For exp. His Persona 6 info was probably fake.