He tried leaving the scene after he ate up that Sonic Heroes remake leak but since clout is a crazy d*** he came back. Bro dug his own grave.
That's what's crazy to me. Once his info dried up he could have just bowed out gracefully and dipped lol. The Sonic Heroes drama was a place to just call it quits. He deactivated the account. We probably would have never figured out who it really was.
Even if someone did expose them, nobody would have cared and it would have just been left as some weird conspiracy.
But he kept coming back lmao. He "quit" like 3 more times since the Sonic Heroes drama too. But would always be back in a couple days or less lol
That's what's crazy to me. Once his info dried up he could have just bowed out gracefully and dipped lol. The Sonic Heroes drama was a place to just call it quits. He deactivated the account. We probably would have never figured out who it really was.
Even if someone did expose them, nobody would have cared and it would have just been left as some weird conspiracy.
But he kept coming back lmao. He "quit" like 3 more times since the Sonic Heroes drama too. But would always be back in a couple days or less lol
Yeah leakers in the community went on a hunt to find out who he was after that slip-up. He even started to back-pack off other leakers since he got the reputable tag. Just dumb all around
His initial leaks were real.
He was able to get a hold of a SEGA presentation that revealed their release schedule and plans for games 2021-2023 fiscal years.
So all of Midori's leaks within that time frame were real. Even some beyond that. Like there are probably games they had planned for 2023 that got pushed back a year or 2.
However, once his well started running dry he started infiltrating discord servers to dig up more leaks(clout is a hell of a d***).
So all the leaks he's given on other companies like Square, Nintendo, etc, should now be taken with a super grain of salt.
And he likely has surface level info on stuff releasing beyond 2024.
For exp. His Persona 6 info was probably fake.
I wanted Persona 6 to be green wtf
I wanted Persona 6 to be green wtf
I should reword what I said. If you look up some of "her" post 2023 leaks, you can find the leaks weren't created by her. Usually it was a case of
1 - she just outright wasn't the first person to leak it. The leaks came from somebody else. And she would just piggy back off of other leaks. Saying "this is correct information" under other ppl's post. Followed by "I got word of this too.
2- the leaks were just stuff that had a lot of evidence to support it. Like, the Final Fantasy 9 and Tactics remakes have so much smoke surrounding them that they obviously exist. Hell, the other day Epic Game Store was hacked, and files for a FF9 Remake was found in the store. So her leaking stuff about FF9 remake was an easy bet. Her Dragon Quest info was also stuff anyone who follows DQ could safely guess and probably be correct(I'm a diehard DQ fan)
3 - A lot of useless leaks. Like her leaking "In the Nintendo Servers there's a Mario game with the code name 'ice cream pudding'. And there's also a Zelda game with the code name 'Edward Scissorhands'. So it looks like Nintendo is prepping to release a new Mario and Zelda game soon"
Like... no s*** Nintendo is working on a new Mario and Zelda game. It's correct, but useless information.
Anyway, what I'm getting at. There's already a TON of public information released by Atlus and P-Studio themselves that strongly hint that Persona 6's color is Green. There's nothing concrete. But I would say there's like a 80% chance it'll be green.
Midori likely just saw all of the clues, and "leaked" that the color will be green because it's an extremely safe bet to say it'll be green.
Then, when we get the first game trailer and it's green, ppl can go "OMG Midori was right"
Even her "leak" of the Persona 6 yin h and yang logo. And the monopoly stuff
That was a leak that's already been floating around for over a year. It was leaked by an 50/50(but probably unreliable) leaker named HeadOnTheBlock.
Midori just likely took HeadOnTheBlock's leak. Released it himself. That way ppl could go "oooh! Midori is the 2nd person to say these pics are legit! So it must be real!"
But "she" also worded herself carefully. "These are just working concepts". So if that ended up not being the logo, she could have just gone "well I said they weren't final from the get go. But I got the color green right, so I clearly knew SOMETHING".
So I'd say her stuff with the logos and monopoly board are probably fake
Mysticdistance was a leaker in persona and sega circles. He vanished from the scene around 2022 because he had some weird cases(manipulative, grooming underage girls). Used the midori alias to leak stuff and gain attention.
I see. Thank you
Crying at the thought of the dudes who tried to hit on him thinking he was a japanese girl seeing this
When i find out fitgirlrepacks is a man even tho i already think they are my heart will never heal