  • Sep 9, 2023
    1 reply

    I just ordered a BotWTOK edition +this game Switch from my job with ‘points’ I earned from working
    I’ve been completely indifferent to these games and had zero motivation to even try them but gotta admit I’m getting pretty curious now so I’m excited to get it.

  • Sep 10, 2023

    Everything. There's no post game. So might as well.


  • Oct 2, 2023
  • Oct 3, 2023
    1 reply

    yo fam! I’m heading to gerudo for the last of the 4 sages. I’ve put about 85 hours or so into this game and I wanna make it to the end before spider-man 2/mario wonder come out.

    what side content should I complete before ganon? I’ve gotten the master sword, did the tears quest, rescued the deku tree, etc.

  • Oct 3, 2023
    1 reply

    yo fam! I’m heading to gerudo for the last of the 4 sages. I’ve put about 85 hours or so into this game and I wanna make it to the end before spider-man 2/mario wonder come out.

    what side content should I complete before ganon? I’ve gotten the master sword, did the tears quest, rescued the deku tree, etc.

    Here are a few side quests that I enjoyed in no particular order (some of them have prerequisites/other side quests you may have to finish first):

    The Mayoral Election

    Infiltrating the Yiga Clan

    Who Finds the Haven

    Ruffian-infested Village

    Seeking the Pirate Hideout

  • Chilla
    · edited

    Here are a few side quests that I enjoyed in no particular order (some of them have prerequisites/other side quests you may have to finish first):

    The Mayoral Election

    Infiltrating the Yiga Clan

    Who Finds the Haven

    Ruffian-infested Village

    Seeking the Pirate Hideout

    sickk thank you bro

  • Oct 6, 2023

    Just finished my first playthrough. Clocked in at around 120 hours.

    This GOTY 2023. Idk what to do with life anymore.

  • just beat the game at around 105 hours and wow. I’m speechless man. this was a masterpiece and deserves GOTY

  • 6 months of playing this f***ing classic man. big hole in my heart now that I’ve beat it

  • took my time with this game like crazy. went through periods of time when I put it down but when I picked it back up it was like no other. truly a top 5 zelda

  • Oct 11, 2023

    Playing this without using teleportation is so much fun and so satisfying.

  • Oct 11, 2023

    please for the love of god give us master mode

  • Oct 19, 2023

    Finally beat this masterpiece.

    Just in time for Super Mario Wonder and Spidey 2

  • Oct 25, 2023
    1 reply


  • Oct 25, 2023
    Beautiful Morning


  • Oct 25, 2023

    Salivating at the thought of playing this game at 4k 60fps on switch 2 since it can run botw at those settings with almost no loading too. Please Nintendo for the love of God patch these games

  • Started playing this s*** and it’s addicting

  • Nov 12, 2023
    1 reply

    Beat the game a couple days ago and still find myself hopping on messing around. Such an incredible game. The moment to moment gameplay is even better than Botw.

    Been seeing a lot of hate online over “map reuse” and “mid” story and i think it’s all bullshit. Zelda cycle at play once again

  • Nov 12, 2023
    3 replies

    Beat the game a couple days ago and still find myself hopping on messing around. Such an incredible game. The moment to moment gameplay is even better than Botw.

    Been seeing a lot of hate online over “map reuse” and “mid” story and i think it’s all bullshit. Zelda cycle at play once again

    Gameplay is 9/10 for me but lets be honest the non linear story does no favours. I like the dragon tears story but its so predictable if you watch even a fraction of the cutscenes

  • Nov 13, 2023
    1 reply

    Gameplay is 9/10 for me but lets be honest the non linear story does no favours. I like the dragon tears story but its so predictable if you watch even a fraction of the cutscenes

    i see what you’re saying. one can easily get spoiled on some pretty major beats if they do the dragon tears out of order. but tbh the draconification twist was pretty obvious when Mineru mentioned it in one of the earlier cutscenes.

    Also I don’t see how else they could’ve told the story given the open world structure of the game. i think they did a pretty good job splitting the difference with the geoglyphs and how they decorate the map, as well as how much more story there is general besides the dragon tears.

  • Nov 13, 2023

    Gameplay is 9/10 for me but lets be honest the non linear story does no favours. I like the dragon tears story but its so predictable if you watch even a fraction of the cutscenes

    Fr the only thing stopping TOTK from topping Ocarina/Majora/Wind Waker is a more straightforward and impactful story. I don't know how they managed to make Ocarina so cinematic with so many classic cutscenes moving the story forward but I feel like they'll never top it.

    The cutscenes from TOTK were amazing but the nonlinear progression robbed it of any emotional core for me.

  • Nov 13, 2023
    1 reply

    i see what you’re saying. one can easily get spoiled on some pretty major beats if they do the dragon tears out of order. but tbh the draconification twist was pretty obvious when Mineru mentioned it in one of the earlier cutscenes.

    Also I don’t see how else they could’ve told the story given the open world structure of the game. i think they did a pretty good job splitting the difference with the geoglyphs and how they decorate the map, as well as how much more story there is general besides the dragon tears.

    talking strictly about the dragon tears story, they could have just made it linear and sequential instead of corresponding to the dragon tear picture you find. I know you lose that correspondence but the story being told properly is way more important to me haha

  • Nov 13, 2023

    talking strictly about the dragon tears story, they could have just made it linear and sequential instead of corresponding to the dragon tear picture you find. I know you lose that correspondence but the story being told properly is way more important to me haha

    They do give you a linear path to follow but it’s very easy to miss they should’ve just had the cutscenes go in a fixed order no matter what you pick up agreed

  • Nov 17, 2023