  • Jul 1, 2021
    fmvp yzy vert

    Don’t worry bro the yearly climate change lockdowns will save us

  • Jul 1, 2021

    If we can’t live on the planet you can destroy this mfer for all I care lol

    Can you imagine how massive the bag fumble would be, with us being warned this very thing was gonna happen for like 70 years and we still f***ed it up

    it ain't even a "we" thing anymore. The people in power who run these big corporations are running us to to the ground. Ain't s*** anybody can do about it

  • Jul 1, 2021
    1 reply

    Funny thing is the lockdowns last year proved that things could get better in a small amount of time, but once that was over you had so many reports saying "uh no actually this doesn't wor' ahah" when like you could see a difference with your naked eye

  • Must be french always talking bout we

  • Jul 1, 2021
    1 reply

    australia is truly F***ED this summer

  • Jul 1, 2021

    Funny thing is the lockdowns last year proved that things could get better in a small amount of time, but once that was over you had so many reports saying "uh no actually this doesn't wor' ahah" when like you could see a difference with your naked eye

    Yeah been known that was a test run for the matrix

  • Jul 1, 2021

    This might be the s*** mentioned in the end of the Bible

    It's s*** like this that's gonna wake people up. It's like a domino effect and once the first domino falls it's sets off a bunch of other things, and just causes catastrophe.

    I spent and entire year learning all of the deep stuff about climate change and learning the civ. might straight up collapse in the next 30-50 years was the biggest "wtf" moment of my life.

    I have no idea why we're doing anything we're doing, burning fuels, going work, doing the capitalistic jig. People think everything sweet now, but when stuff starts decaying everyone is going to regret civilization overall.

  • Jul 1, 2021
    aaron xx

    australia is truly F***ED this summer

    Get ready 4 this summer

    They already been backburning since like May

  • Jul 1, 2021

    It’s f***ing breaking news why isn’t front page and everywhere on the news. I mean I know why but f***ing hell

  • Kengi 💭
    Jul 1, 2021

    I dont think this the climate change we have caused YET

  • Jul 1, 2021


  • Jul 1, 2021

    White people as soon as they step outside and its over 100

  • We?

  • Jul 1, 2021

  • Jul 1, 2021
    1 reply

    We cant destry the planet , we my ruin it for us and animals but earth will regulate itself bsck with time, and some new can grow, just like the meteor and the dinos

    We have enough nukes to destroy the planet a few times over.

  • Jul 1, 2021
    1 reply

    We have enough nukes to destroy the planet a few times over.

    And nuclear waste wears of after idk how many million years too?

  • che_guevara

    And nuclear waste wears of after idk how many million years too?

    Yeah I was looking into, completely obliterating this rock is quite the task.

  • Jul 1, 2021

    we dropped the ball a long time ago. Its over.

  • Jul 1, 2021
    1 reply

    Oh s***, I remember @user was saying that the lockdowns might be to condition/prepare us for some other crazy s*** down the line, now people panicking about the heat, the government is gonna act like they care all of a sudden and more fear stuff will come out and they’re gonna place it on the shoulders of the people to take some kind of different measures to stop it. Hope I’m wrong but f*** man

  • Jul 1, 2021

    This might be the s*** mentioned in the end of the Bible

  • Jul 1, 2021

    This might be the s*** mentioned in the end of the Bible

  • Jul 1, 2021

    Can’t wait for Yeezy Stillsuits to become the norm

  • Jul 1, 2021

    ye we killed earth