I think I lurked for a minute maybe around MBDTF and joined ktt1 prob around Yeezus too
Yeezus was crazy and so many people came in during it but ALSO so many people hanged up the towel and never returned they were so mad at Yeezus
Yeezus was crazy and so many people came in during it but ALSO so many people hanged up the towel and never returned they were so mad at Yeezus
I left because of the yeezus hate lmfao
This thread
Good to know this type of humor isnt new lmao
Imagine you used rap forums in the 90’s and once ktt1 rolled around you decided to make a nice jump over since Kanye in the 00’s was such a legend and now you’ve been on KTT for almost 2 decades and you’re seeing your original rap forum posts being dug up and posted for humor
I would say i hope im not on here past like 30-33 but tbh on niketalk and boxden it be niggas on there with families lmao
Reminds me of an 80's basketball threat from usenet where the posters were complaining about basketball being too dumbed down and having too many 3 pointers.
Would love to see that if you can find it
This nigga Jah Z weird asf but he cool as hell tho He really reminds me of ArtBarr from the Coli
I would say i hope im not on here past like 30-33 but tbh on niketalk and boxden it be niggas on there with families lmao
Why not? Lmao I’m 31 it’s no difference really
Anti-Censorship March on Washington, C on 10/30/92
Posts: 1
12/10/1992 02:11:23 UTC
We want to make sure you are aware of the secret war against rock and rap
Just one example: A secret meeting has been held in the Maryland
countryside to raise money for Tipper Gore and other censors and to discuss
how to tear the guts out of our music. Who was there? The commandant of
the Marine Corps, six Presidential candidates, a dozen Democrat and
Republican senators, several corporation presidents, and assorted
billionaires. Add in the police, with their war against Ice-T; and the
evangelists, who are forcing MTV off the air in many cities. You can see we
have a very serious problem.
How can we overcome this power elite that runs America? We have got to
do the same things they do: SHARE INFORMATION. NETWORK.
To get started, just answer as many of the following questions as you want.
1. What is the worst incidence of music censorship you know of?
2. Would you come to an anti-censorship war council in your city? YES ___
NO ____ The purpose would be to make friends and plan our fight not just
to resist censorship, but to get rid of it completely.
3. Would you be willing to come to Washington, D.C. on October 30, 1992
to help present the anti-labeling petition to the record industry and picket
the offices of Tipper GoreUs PMRC (Parents Music Resource Center)?
YES _ NO __
If you cannot go, do you have any ideas for local solidarity actions that could
be held in your city on Oct. 30th? YES _ NO __ (Suggestions so far
include: solidarity shows at clubs, demonstrations at stores that will not sell
to kinds under 18, lowering the American flag to half-mast, calling you
For more information on this history-making action, contact, ROCK OUT
CENSORSHIP, Box 147, Jewett, Ohio 43986 (614-946-6535).
This guy was right btw. And hip before it was major news and under reported.
This right before the various politicians attacked Rap and used them as a scapegoat (along with video games). And its what he was talking about gonna happen. Its where the Parental Advirosy sticker became mandatory & video game age ratings plus radio regulations of "overly obscene music" (also store regulations on games) - but they wanted to hit harder and it was an entire week debate and court hearing of for and against people. Politicians, lawyers and industry people.
And iirc its a lil before Eazy E was auto invited to the White House (an accident on their part, they didnt know his real govt name) due to his huge charity contributions to inner cities.
They thought his name was a white name and didnt know it was literally Eazy E lmao, he did donate a s***ton tho. But white news media and the security at the whole yhing freak tf out. The president at the time allowed him to stay for the event tho which was at the white house.
The protests did also happen. Rap music, metal music, horror movies and video games was the whole week debacle. But Rap music + video games was the main focus of the censorship group & politicians.
I swear I found a forum about the Jay Z vs Nas beef in 2001 and I can’t find it anymore.
Idk why this was the first thing that came to my brain
https://twitter.com/zaggymarly/status/1770171095204725240"That's crazy... That's crazy."
I would say i hope im not on here past like 30-33 but tbh on niketalk and boxden it be niggas on there with families lmao
I'm on here at 33 and the Drake Kendrick beef thread was the best place on the internet for a while
I swear I found a forum about the Jay Z vs Nas beef in 2001 and I can’t find it anymore.
Nah we gotta find that
Stuff like this is so cool to me. It’s like we’re looking at a time capsule
Stuff like this interesting. found these
Tupac shooting
2pac dead....
wow niggas in the internet really don't change . We are gonna be having debates exactly like this 40 years from now