I remember so vividly this s*** peaking at like 6m views and I haven’t heard anyone playing this song or using it in memes or anything
It's the biggest rap song of the 2020's and #1 on Billboard for a 4th week this week
It's the biggest rap song of the 2020's and #1 on Billboard for a 4th week this week
It's the biggest rap song of the 2020's and #1 on Billboard for a 4th week this week
Is it really??
im vanilla #baby
dumbahh jit
Is ur username tmz cuz u couldn’t come up with an original thought or cuz u like to chase clout
Is it really??
Yea it would have had like 8 weeks at number one if it wasn’t for the Christmas songs. It’s huge on tiktok and radio
Yea it would have had like 8 weeks at number one if it wasn’t for the Christmas songs. It’s huge on tiktok and radio
I know it’s been at #1 but I’m shocked at it being “the biggest rap song of the 2020’s”
I know it’s been at #1 but I’m shocked at it being “the biggest rap song of the 2020’s”
Oh yea idk about that, nothing topping The Box
Yea it would have had like 8 weeks at number one if it wasn’t for the Christmas songs. It’s huge on tiktok and radio
It's just as huge on streaming. Just about the most organic hit i've seen in a while
It's the biggest rap song of the 2020's and #1 on Billboard for a 4th week this week
The Box went Diamond in like 1 year
Just swipe YouTube shorts , everyone and their mama are creating content using this song.
was just about to make a thread about how this is the most irrelevant hit song i think ive ever seen. say what you want about jack, but first class i feel had way more inescapable buzz than this