always the same buzzwords
I'm not sure what other verbiage I was meant to use when you somehow draw the conclusion that I think I'm right about everything by saying some weird s*** op did
Money ain’t even real
The debt is just a number at this point
this is the attitude that got us into this massive inflation problem
You worried about 99.9% survival rate covid over actual mass starvation unprecedented in human history that will happen out of America having a hissy fit
You asking if he’s worried about a disease that’s killed almost 800,000 Americans? A disease that’s occupied icu beds for almost 2 years now?
I'm not sure what other verbiage I was meant to use when you somehow draw the conclusion that I think I'm right about everything by saying some weird s*** op did
I feel like OP definitely would've been banned if he said that, and you can't find any proof of it
I'm not sure what other verbiage I was meant to use when you somehow draw the conclusion that I think I'm right about everything by saying some weird s*** op did
demi was hot when she was 15 tho
her, selena gomez, brenda song, miranda cosgrove
all my childhood crushes fr
I feel like OP definitely would've been banned if he said that, and you can't find any proof of it
this was the thread and he deleted his comment
demi was hot when she was 15 tho
her, selena gomez, brenda song, miranda cosgrove
all my childhood crushes fr
There's a time and a place to say those comments tho
There's a time and a place to say those comments tho was u who brought it up... was u who brought it up...
No I'm saying OP said demi was hot at 15 in a thread about her being raped at 15 and that is definitely not the time to make those comments
No I'm saying OP said demi was hot at 15 in a thread about her being raped at 15 and that is definitely not the time to make those comments
I see people replying to it, I just wish I knew what OP said verbatim. I shouldn't have jumped to attack you, but I could've sworn I've seen you in threads doing this same s*** anytime a controversial topic comes up
No I'm saying OP said demi was hot at 15 in a thread about her being raped at 15 and that is definitely not the time to make those comments
ok so if u can say that out of the blue then it's fair game for me to lay out my childhood crushes
ok so if u can say that out of the blue then it's fair game for me to lay out my childhood crushes
I think there's a misunderstanding here there's nothing wrong with what you said lol
I think there's a misunderstanding here there's nothing wrong with what you said lol
she still got it too
Also know America has been starving North Korea, Iran is fortunate they’re food self sufficient
Iran is not food sufficient. They even import sugar and rice lol!. Farmers are very low class citizens in Iran. There is a Mafia ruling class in Iran that banks on government subsidized dollar that is meant to be used to import goods.
What yall want him to do?
He releases it (which he should) Tali gets the money and the right wingers gonna be on his ass prob the liberals too
But it’s been known both sides are dogshit
What yall want him to do?
He releases it (which he should) Tali gets the money and the right wingers gonna be on his ass prob the liberals too
But it’s been known both sides are dogshit
Makes sense. It's more profitable to put fanatics in charge because this way there is an excuse to sanction. Sanctions don't stop black market deals and the lobbyists that pull the strings profit from this.
What yall want him to do?
He releases it (which he should) Tali gets the money and the right wingers gonna be on his ass prob the liberals too
But it’s been known both sides are dogshit
Dog, look at their government.
Let them fix it wtf. Imagine letting the Taliban guilt trip you into giving them money.
Dog its your country now
Dudes online posting about letting the regime guilt trip them into feeding their populace so they can force women out of schools for a longer period of time.
The only reason to ever give some weirdo country like North Korea aid is to stop a mass migration event.
Otherwise the f***, you letting the Taliban guilt trip you for?
America is too worried about Covid an mask mandates that Danish Swedish and German scientists have said again and again masks are useless lol
Please stop