  • be2sane

    Love that, gotta be more responsible like yall, cus being lazy and just putting meat in everything is not cool

    or at the very least get the lean meats like certain types of steak, turkey etc too

  • Jan 11, 2022
    1 reply

    that one miyazaki movie about the girl who quit her job and worked on a farm almost made me quit my job and work on a farm

  • I'm growing some green peppers in my yard, they big big now

  • Jan 11, 2022

    Haven’t had beyond chicken but beyond burgers are good as f***


  • Bazooe

    that one miyazaki movie about the girl who quit her job and worked on a farm almost made me quit my job and work on a farm

    I quit my job but the farm wasn't hiring. To this day I hate that movie

  • Jan 11, 2022
    1 reply

    I recommend everyone at least try to eat less meat and cheese for 2 weeks even just to reset reliance . I started being vegetarian in like 2011 or 2012 after getting food poisoning then just wanting to try it mentally. It’s just crazy narrowing it down to exact time you crave meat or cheese and how it changes social eating with friends etc . See how your body handles it , play around with cooking and comfort foods . For some it works for others it doesn’t .

    Thank for the advice:)
    I'll try to do it, not sure about cheese thing though
    But regardless

  • Jan 11, 2022
    1 reply

    I’m not sure if this is entirely correct but i heard that the CCP in China banned all American based fastfood stores because in order to produce the meat required for 1,5 billion people to eat at McDonalds and KFC it would be physically impossible and too demanding on the countries’ resources

    People there are encouraged to eat more plant-based because meat is just too costly, both in terms of labor and land/food/emissions required to run the whole program

  • Jan 11, 2022
    4 replies

    It's crazy how I havent had white sugar for years now

  • Jan 11, 2022
    1 reply

    Thank for the advice:)
    I'll try to do it, not sure about cheese thing though
    But regardless

    Vegan cheese has advanced a lot . To get taste without bloated feeling


    It's crazy how I havent had white sugar for years now

    Now this I want to try

  • Jan 11, 2022
    1 reply

    It's crazy how I havent had white sugar for years now

    Bruh anything I make that requires sugar I be using the brown sugar for sure

  • Jan 11, 2022
    1 reply

    Bruh anything I make that requires sugar I be using the brown sugar for sure

    Fr, it just becomes a habit even as you're buying grocery

  • Jan 11, 2022

    can't lie i definitely do not have enough greens in my daily diet

  • Jan 11, 2022
    1 reply

    It's crazy how I havent had white sugar for years now

    Bro that’s another thing

    I have a SUGARTOOTH. Man i put way too much sugar in my tea and coffee and i drink lemonade. It’s bad i need to cut down on that too lol. Luckily i switched over to cane sugar a while ago tho.

  • Jan 11, 2022
    3 replies

    Pears VERZUZ apples, what y'all got?

  • Jan 11, 2022

    Vegan cheese has advanced a lot . To get taste without bloated feeling

    Hm, I don't think that I've had a problem with lactose(?), but I'll try to buy vegan cheese to see what it's all about

  • Jan 11, 2022

    black coffee, tea, and water all you need

  • Jan 11, 2022

    Fr, it just becomes a habit even as you're buying grocery


  • be2sane

    Bro that’s another thing

    I have a SUGARTOOTH. Man i put way too much sugar in my tea and coffee and i drink lemonade. It’s bad i need to cut down on that too lol. Luckily i switched over to cane sugar a while ago tho.

    brown sugar bro trusssmedaddiiii

  • Jan 11, 2022
    1 reply

    Pears VERZUZ apples, what y'all got?

    I kinda grew up on apples ngl lmao

  • Jan 11, 2022
    1 reply

    It's crazy how I havent had white sugar for years now

    I was making my own caramel popcorn, thinking about how many cups I ate in two weeks is terrifying

  • Jan 11, 2022
    1 reply

    Pears VERZUZ apples, what y'all got?

    I lean towards pears. Depends on the types. Sweet preferably and a bit crunchy yet juicy are ideal

  • SegaDreamFlash

    I kinda grew up on apples ngl lmao

    same, but imma go with pears tho

  • be2sane

    I lean towards pears. Depends on the types. Sweet preferably and a bit crunchy yet juicy are ideal


  • Jan 11, 2022

    I’m not sure if this is entirely correct but i heard that the CCP in China banned all American based fastfood stores because in order to produce the meat required for 1,5 billion people to eat at McDonalds and KFC it would be physically impossible and too demanding on the countries’ resources

    People there are encouraged to eat more plant-based because meat is just too costly, both in terms of labor and land/food/emissions required to run the whole program

    Underrated post lol