Just watch fresh
I love a serial killer movies
i will never post in this in this thread and section again til im part of kino sxn 😤😤😤😤😤😤😤
This needs to be the credits needle drop on one of those brooding emo manifestos with the protag on rooftop or the needle drop on a nightclub shoot out ffs
this song makes me think of under the skin for whatever reason
I actually have this dl, I've been meaning to watch it
I actually have this dl, I've been meaning to watch it
It’s one of those vibe movies, sparse dialog but fully commits to being ambient so I like it
this song makes me think of under the skin for whatever reason
I don't hear it, like at all.. the Under The Skin score is so much more ambient and mysterious sounding
I actually have this dl, I've been meaning to watch it
It's one of the greatest films of the 10s if you're up for those kind of slow atmospheric films
I don't hear it, like at all.. the Under The Skin score is so much more ambient and mysterious sounding
no I’m thinking of the very end of the movie, that part, idk why
@Elric i noticed on letterboxd when I see friends who’ve reviewed the movie I’m looking at, sometimes you’ve logged it but haven’t given a score
not just you specifically but what does it mean when someone doesn’t score it? Is it like they don’t even think it’s 0.0 or they just don’t have a valid or meaningful enough score to give it?
@Elric i noticed on letterboxd when I see friends who’ve reviewed the movie I’m looking at, sometimes you’ve logged it but haven’t given a score
not just you specifically but what does it mean when someone doesn’t score it? Is it like they don’t even think it’s 0.0 or they just don’t have a valid or meaningful enough score to give it?
The latter sometimes it's too garbage for me to bother rating and sometimes it's too transcendent to apply something as superficial as a rating to, especially on first watch after trying to wrap my head around something crazy. I usually get around to it after a few watches if it's something that was good tho.
@Elric i noticed on letterboxd when I see friends who’ve reviewed the movie I’m looking at, sometimes you’ve logged it but haven’t given a score
not just you specifically but what does it mean when someone doesn’t score it? Is it like they don’t even think it’s 0.0 or they just don’t have a valid or meaningful enough score to give it?
Sometimes people just dont even wanna rate movies but they've loved them tho.
I got a few followers that dont rate movies even tho they loved them!
@FlyHiii If y'all are discussing Refn and Jodorowsky in Kino section let me in
If you aren't then I dont want in
I'm here for SXSW and a photoshoot for a magazine
I'm here for SXSW and a photoshoot for a magazine
This nigga a whole model