We getting Korean chicken . She just marathoned Jojo
Happy for you, but ain’t you vegan
Watching Jackie Brown, haven’t seen it in like 5 years.
Goddamn, can anyone sell a line as good as Samuel L Jackson?
I have a friend who always says he knows about film and then im like "you havent even seen the classics" and he says "yea because theyre old"
What’s the best letterbox type site for tv shows?
I have a friend who always says he knows about film and then im like "you havent even seen the classics" and he says "yea because theyre old"
he's right you know
he's right you know
Some old movies still hit but some are moments in time and you can't explain that to people enamored by them
Some old movies still hit but some are moments in time and you can't explain that to people enamored by them
True. Notorious (1946) to this day is still watchable (minus some minor questionable things of its time)
True. Notorious (1946) to this day is still watchable (minus some minor questionable things of its time)
Time really baffles some people they be like "2001 a space odyssey is perfect". Well yes but it depends on when in your life you watch it
he's right you know
im not talking about movies in the 40s. IM talking about like from the 70s through the early 2000s. Like he wont even watch good movies from the 90s.
im not talking about movies in the 40s. IM talking about like from the 70s through the early 2000s. Like he wont even watch good movies from the 90s.
Lmao what kinda f***ery is this
I already am. Everything All At Once is the real matrix 4 and I see it tonight. Stay woke