@emu you seen Heath play Bob Dylan in, 'I'm Not There's it's an underrated performance and definitely worth checking out if you're fan of his craft.
Does anyone else make watchlists for films? I usually do it on a weekly basis (i.e Monday I’m gonna watch this, Tuesday this, Wednesday…etc.).
I do find that there are some days when I look at what’s next I’m just like “Nah” , but then I have no idea what to watch so I usually default to whatever’s shortest
Try to watch one to two movies a day, so far I’m at 146 for the year, trying to hit over 500 by the end.
The Exterminating Angel was a film directed by the Spanish master, Luis Buñuel and made in 1962 in Mexico. Buñuel as well-known for making provocative films from the 1930's to the 1970's as well as being in the gang of misfits in the Surrealism movement with Salvador Dali himself. Now, this film is another attack on the Church and the Bourgeoisie, but in a dark and scathing humor. Some call this a horror film though. Buñuel takes his psychoanalytic approach to the film to make them the wealthy look like they're in a prison confined to the house...
-- Full Review is on ktt2.com/kino --
The Nigga who saw his mom nearly killed by his dad was kidnapped at age 6 and 2 years homeless made it to 30
Vanishing Point a freewheeling car chase picture made in 1971. Perhaps a counterculture tour de force like earlier, Easy Rider in 1969. The whole film is just an ultimate car chase while lingering on the philosophy of morality and existentialism. As seen through the flashbacks and the present moment is just a mere suicide mission. I mean, it don't need a crash course philosophy on it.. Go watch it! It's damn cool in contrast to Two-Lane Blacktop made in the same year...
-- Full Review is on ktt2.com/kino --
Sensory deprivation tank on molly shrooms
@SegaDreamFlash @SUPERMAN
Happy birthday nigga lmao I woke up not too long ago
@HeyFella I could literally read your letterboxd reviews all day. You have some of the most nuanced takes on the medium I'm ever seen & you're not a snob either. It's refreshing
@HeyFella I could literally read your letterboxd reviews all day. You have some of the most nuanced takes on the medium I'm ever seen & you're not a snob either. It's refreshing
Thank you very much. I try to approach everything in it’s own context and focus on their positives above anything else. Like what is it accomplishes whether intentional or not and does that connect with me. That’s mostly what I try to get at.
Thank you very much. I try to approach everything in it’s own context and focus on their positives above anything else. Like what is it accomplishes whether intentional or not and does that connect with me. That’s mostly what I try to get at.
Yeah dude. We have similar views on that, the "negative critic" is such a tiresome trope and detrimental to movies as a whole. Your review on Godfather 3 got me wanting to give it another shot. We share the same views on Halloween Kills as well, even though I still got 2018 edging that one out.
Happy birthday nigga lmao I woke up not too long ago
Left a terrible friend had best day I need a console again
Vanishing Point a freewheeling car chase picture made in 1971. Perhaps a counterculture tour de force like earlier, Easy Rider in 1969. The whole film is just an ultimate car chase while lingering on the philosophy of morality and existentialism. As seen through the flashbacks and the present moment is just a mere suicide mission. I mean, it don't need a crash course philosophy on it.. Go watch it! It's damn cool in contrast to Two-Lane Blacktop made in the same year...
-- Full Review is on https://ktt2.com/kino --
I'll track this down and watch it tomorrow been meaning to for a while but especially after my Two Lane revisit
Thank you very much. I try to approach everything in it’s own context and focus on their positives above anything else. Like what is it accomplishes whether intentional or not and does that connect with me. That’s mostly what I try to get at.
"I try to approach everything in its own context" holding you to this next time you can't comment on something without comparing it to Marvel
Otherwise I agree with him about you finding the positives