  • Feb 1, 2023

    Is You People a Jonah Hill self-insert or nah?

    Also he looks old as s*** in the trailer.

  • Feb 2, 2023



    dont call us PRETENTIOUS

  • Feb 3, 2023
    2 replies

    I need rec for movies about the old empires!

    Anyone know any?

  • Feb 3, 2023

    I need rec for movies about the old empires!

    Anyone know any?


  • Feb 4, 2023
    1 reply

    I need rec for movies about the old empires!

    Anyone know any?

    In their heydeys or final days?

  • Feb 4, 2023

    This is dope

  • Feb 4, 2023

    In their heydeys or final days?


  • Feb 4, 2023

    tubi really got more kino than some of the streaming heavyweights

  • Feb 6, 2023
    1 reply

    I don’t know why I find Hitchcock films so rewatchable.

    They’re like my go-tos when I don’t feel like watching whatever I have queued up.

    They’re just so good

  • Feb 6, 2023
    1 reply

    I don’t know why I find Hitchcock films so rewatchable.

    They’re like my go-tos when I don’t feel like watching whatever I have queued up.

    They’re just so good

    Ford/Hawks/Hitchcock the comfort zone

  • Feb 6, 2023
    2 replies

    Ford/Hawks/Hitchcock the comfort zone

    Throw Kurosawa and Welles in there.

    Touch of Evil is so goddamn rewatchable.

  • Feb 6, 2023

    Throw Kurosawa and Welles in there.

    Touch of Evil is so goddamn rewatchable.

    Anthony Mann and Douglas Sirk

  • Feb 18, 2023

    just saw skinamarink and that s*** has me f***ed up

  • Emu 🇮🇱
    Feb 18, 2023

    Saw this tweet and ofc a lot of people gave Keanu praise for having that clause in his contract. I think he's trying to be noble and it's good that he is in a position where he has the power to demand this because he is famous and capable of doing his own stunts. But, I think it's a losing game, AI is just giving us better results and at a lower price. Certain scenes for stunts or acts that require an expert in that field like a ballet dancer or something to ensure everyone is doing what they are good at safely and properly make it necessary to have performances altered.

    I get what Keanu is trying to do. What I don't want is for directors to use AI to change key dialogues, closeups and scenes where an actors natural performance is supposed to shine make actors say, emote or do things they never did like all the changes George Lucas made in the SW re-releases and prequels. But, like where do you draw the line? They already do manipulate performances by editing and cutting multiple takes their way, reshots, adding CGI, emotional music etc. AI is just another tool and it has been around for years now. Wasn't that the whole scandal about Natalie Portman having her face planted on a professional ballet dancer and getting all the credit for Sarah Lane's work and getting an Oscar for it in Black Swan?

    But as AI is getting more popular it does raise the question how AI manipulated performances are going to affect things like Oscar nominations especially when it's subtle but just enough to give one actor the edge over the competition. Should it be treated like doping in sports which is banned, or like autotune in music which isn't? Where do we draw the line? Is enhancing someone's performance cheating or part of making a work of art? The creator of autotune won a GRAMMY for his invention, but something tells me people wouldn't feel the same if OpenAI won an Oscar for deepfake actors. T-Pain got so much negative feedback for popularizing autotune and how it affected music, yet I doubt anyone would criticize Sigourney Weaver if she won an award for her "performance" in Avatar even tho it's heavily altered and they made her much younger and gave her big cute Disney eyes. You know what I mean, I just think it's fun how we are all aware of these boundaries we cannot see and that are difficult to define because they change on the context and I don't know if it's best to set the rules/norms in advance to ensure that this AI thing is going towards good or if we should wait and see how it evolves and then set the rules once we see what it is capable of. Anyway.

  • Feb 20, 2023

    Babylon makes Dawn Of Justice look like Alphaville

  • Feb 27, 2023

    What happened to the old film sxn chat

  • whoever said hollywood needs more movies like rocky was speaking facts on here

  • Mar 9, 2023
    1 reply

    Oh was listening to all of Spill reviews lately on the way to work and my god I enjoy it much more than double toasted :(

  • Mar 9, 2023

    Throw Kurosawa and Welles in there.

    Touch of Evil is so goddamn rewatchable.

  • Mar 10, 2023
    4 replies

    Is Tar better than Everything Everywhere? Need to watch it tn

  • Mar 10, 2023
    March Rigness

    Is Tar better than Everything Everywhere? Need to watch it tn


  • Mar 11, 2023
    1 reply
    Chip Skylark

    Oh was listening to all of Spill reviews lately on the way to work and my god I enjoy it much more than double toasted :(

    Never heard Spill reviews except that Korey used to be on there wilding.