Have any of you seen "The Guilty"? The original movie is in Danish and released in 2018 but they came out with a English remake with Jake Gyllenhaal. Was wondering which one I should watch first
Have any of you seen "The Guilty"? The original movie is in Danish and released in 2018 but they came out with a English remake with Jake Gyllenhaal. Was wondering which one I should watch first
Always the original
i cant STAND these guys!!!
He already made like 3
i cant STAND these guys!!!
Ofc the makers of the most generic movie franchise think this is possible
i cant STAND these guys!!!
I was just gonna link this lmao
What the f***
Dystopian future but I can't say I'm not curious
What the f***
Marvel really tricked us into liking them
Every quote they give is complete bullshit
Idk but I kind of like it lol
Looks like a Power Of The Dog sketch on SNL
Looks like a Power Of The Dog sketch on SNL
Clearly a short film on a similar resource and time constraint
It was Al Pacino birthday this week he turned 83, when he passes away I might need to take a day off. He’s the greatest and my favourite actor ever. Seems like such a sweet guy too
where do you guys download from movies now
trying to find The Mysterious Mr Lagerfeld for my mom
@rowjaystan my man you must have like 4TB of Henry King films on your hard drive haha. I was on a marathon with his stuff a while back but your logs making me wanna dive back in soon