started watching a movie and turned that s*** off 5 seconds into it 😭
very first scene was a wendy williams meme. no thanks
Any movie recommendations on streaming? Me n my girl looking for something to watch while high. Can be primarily looking for good action/thriller/mystery, but we’re open to anything good
they are finally showing humanist vampire in the bay but all the showtime are after 930pm
too old to wanna watch a movie that late tbh
they are finally showing humanist vampire in the bay but all the showtime are after 930pm
too old to wanna watch a movie that late tbh
f*** it i’ll just drink coffee that day or something
just copped tickets for humanist vamp and last summer
f*** it i’ll just drink coffee that day or something
just copped tickets for humanist vamp and last summer
u watched any of these at those cute little film festies u go to?? @twitch
u watched any of these at those cute little film festies u go to?? @twitch
No im sorry I have not family
have you seen touch yet? think i might watch tom
u know why i’m asking you
Was that the white guy with the Asian gf? Nah i havent
Was that the white guy with the Asian gf? Nah i havent
The trailer looked like ass but you know imma still watch
i wasn’t gonna watch it but it’s been getting decent reviews
Watched 2001 a spacey odyssey a while ago in theatres and I have not been to the theatre since (except for Furiosa) and It has not left my head since, it's one of those things where like you finish a game or you finish watching a show you love and then you sit there and think "now what?"
It felt like I genuinely watched the greatest movie ever and I don't know what to do, I don't think I have felt like this before and I have watched many movies so I don't know why.
I watched 3 kubirck movies in theatres but I went twice for 2001 because of how phenomenal it was. The scene of when they land on the Moon is probably the best looking thing I have witnessed in theates and the movie was released in 1967 so how is that exactly possible. The POV scenes was the greatest thing I have witnessed so far in theatres. It has been 50+ years since the movie released and no one has made anything better than that yet. How did he do it ?
Anyways this is easily the greatest movie I have watched and I will be going to watch Long Legs on friday
My 2 favs been hanging out
Watched 2001 a spacey odyssey a while ago in theatres and I have not been to the theatre since (except for Furiosa) and It has not left my head since, it's one of those things where like you finish a game or you finish watching a show you love and then you sit there and think "now what?"
It felt like I genuinely watched the greatest movie ever and I don't know what to do, I don't think I have felt like this before and I have watched many movies so I don't know why.
I watched 3 kubirck movies in theatres but I went twice for 2001 because of how phenomenal it was. The scene of when they land on the Moon is probably the best looking thing I have witnessed in theates and the movie was released in 1967 so how is that exactly possible. The POV scenes was the greatest thing I have witnessed so far in theatres. It has been 50+ years since the movie released and no one has made anything better than that yet. How did he do it ?
Anyways this is easily the greatest movie I have watched and I will be going to watch Long Legs on friday
have you ever seen the tree of life in the cinema?