Op I’m not going to tell you what to do since we don’t have enough information to go off of except that “you’re tired” which most others are as well, but you should at least schedule some PTO so you don’t have to call out. That’s what it’s there for.
I have pretty much full autonomy over when i work bossman very flexible
Same. Jus took a week off for the f*** of it
I’m federal and have hundreds of hours of leave My job isn’t really labor intensive + I enjoy the social interaction so I barely call out. Sometimes I just don’t feel like coming in so I use my sick leave to take a mental health day. It’s always refreshing
I save my sick leave because you never know what’s gonna happen. I could go to the hospital for months who knows
Just gonna leave this here
Companies do not care about you
It's their family or company first. If you not in it then you nothing to them
I'm lucky I have a job at a gym that has enough older employees who are cool with working whenever. Mostly because they have many other older friends who go to the gym so they just talk and hang out with them.
I don't take many days off because the job is piss easy and the pay is pretty nice, but whenever I feel like not working I just put a request in for an off day and I'll get a text from a co-worker asking if they can have the shift within an hour of requesting off.
My coworker calls out every other Monday. It’s f***ing annoying.
he be hungover