people did all this arguing over the electoral college in 2016 only to be in the same exact position or even worse than Hillary election
what about them? Fanon writing about the chauvanistic effects of British colonialism on Chinese boxer men is not "highlighting male issues", he's writing about the psychological effects of colonialism on the proletariat.
and im not "on his side", he's right. youre being annoying and handwringing about trump. its obnoxious.
First Anthropologists and Sociologists would disagree with you. ENGELS made a distinction between the two genders when creating The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State. This distinction and understanding of their struggles is useful because we must identify the problems with said population.
Second dumbass I dont care if Im being “annoying about trump” because he is markably different than Kamala. You just being an obnoxious fence sitter for some nigga thats been crashing out on this site for weeks.
We are all in a struggle for humanity. In Western society, Black people are still in a struggle for their humanity. Fanon spoke to the unique experiences of BLACK MEN to White audiences. Not to the Black woman struggle because he has his own as a Black MAN. These distinctions are necessary because of the social makeup of our society. Disregarding Fanon as some comparative Philosopher is so disrespectful.
“Aint I A Woman” speaks to Black WOMEN and the appeal for Humanity. Again the distinction is needed because there is a difference in humanity ascribed.
Furthermore, Fanon advances his argument of “humanism” the idea that we are all one people. On the path there, This cannot disregard the individual struggles that we go through
“I am a man, and in this sense the Peloponnesian War is as much mine as the invention of the compass. Face to face with the white man, the Negro has a past to legitimate, a vengeance to exact; face to face with the Negro, the contemporary white man feels the need to recall the times of cannibalism.”
The same logic is elaborated in “The Algerian Family”, where Fanon explores the traditional structure of families in Algeria, in particular how those families set gender identity, power, marriage, and reproduction in fixed roles. Revolutionary families, he argues, identify these fixed roles and break with them while also maintaining a conviction that their practices are Algerian—that is, Algerian in the new sense.
Now what about Adorno:
“Men pay for the increase of their power with alienation from that over which they exercise their power.”
Althusser (Ideological State Apparatus and his work on the family structure)
Herbert Marcuse (Marxism and Feminsim)
people did all this arguing over the electoral college in 2016 only to be in the same exact position or even worse than Hillary election
Hey what did you go to school for?
Hey what did you go to school for?
Politics, game design, forensic science
voted for a protofascist today
bro voted for friedrich nietzsche
I saw people saying she only got 30k people in houston cause of beyonce so whats their excuse now that 75k showed up in DC?
Then I knew he would lose cause of pandemic handling
yeah but this was before all that we made the bet lol was the funny part
he stayed 10 all summer and never saw him after election week
First Anthropologists and Sociologists would disagree with you. ENGELS made a distinction between the two genders when creating The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State. This distinction and understanding of their struggles is useful because we must identify the problems with said population.
Second dumbass I dont care if Im being “annoying about trump” because he is markably different than Kamala. You just being an obnoxious fence sitter for some nigga thats been crashing out on this site for weeks.
We are all in a struggle for humanity. In Western society, Black people are still in a struggle for their humanity. Fanon spoke to the unique experiences of BLACK MEN to White audiences. Not to the Black woman struggle because he has his own as a Black MAN. These distinctions are necessary because of the social makeup of our society. Disregarding Fanon as some comparative Philosopher is so disrespectful.
“Aint I A Woman” speaks to Black WOMEN and the appeal for Humanity. Again the distinction is needed because there is a difference in humanity ascribed.
Furthermore, Fanon advances his argument of “humanism” the idea that we are all one people. On the path there, This cannot disregard the individual struggles that we go through
“I am a man, and in this sense the Peloponnesian War is as much mine as the invention of the compass. Face to face with the white man, the Negro has a past to legitimate, a vengeance to exact; face to face with the Negro, the contemporary white man feels the need to recall the times of cannibalism.”
The same logic is elaborated in “The Algerian Family”, where Fanon explores the traditional structure of families in Algeria, in particular how those families set gender identity, power, marriage, and reproduction in fixed roles. Revolutionary families, he argues, identify these fixed roles and break with them while also maintaining a conviction that their practices are Algerian—that is, Algerian in the new sense.
Now what about Adorno:
“Men pay for the increase of their power with alienation from that over which they exercise their power.”
Althusser (Ideological State Apparatus and his work on the family structure)
Herbert Marcuse (Marxism and Feminsim)
humanist crap and biological essentialism, bye
humanist crap and biological essentialism, bye
lmao so instead of addressing my points you send one sentence dismissing it interesting
I just proved you wrong. these Marxist philosophers marked a distinction between each gender’s struggle and development.
don't come at me with "postcolonial" readings of Fanon, im a communist. this academic bullshit was annoying in college, don't want to tolerate it on a flop forum.
Gonna vote for the 6th time this week it’s getting tiring
lmao so instead of addressing my points you send one sentence dismissing it interesting
I just proved you wrong. these Marxist philosophers marked a distinction between each gender’s struggle and development.
stop posting paragraphs and recognize in a week it will be over