stop posting paragraphs and recognize in a week it will be over
bro doing a lot just to tell everyone killer kamala is gonna be better
Gonna vote for the 6th time this week it’s getting tiring
Yep, I got 3 drop boxes in my area to light on fire as well
Yall did all this posturing about Hitler only to argue for a genocide
I mentioned this for the past 4-8 years on here
If 100k Jewish people died you wouldn’t dare tell them to just hold out
Yall are white supremacist
You only have the audacity to tell darker skin people to just take a genocide like it’s a punch
Yall did all this posturing about Hitler only to argue for a genocide
I mentioned this for the past 4-8 years on here
If 100k Jewish people died you wouldn’t dare tell them to just hold out
Yall are white supremacist
Bout to hurt some feelings with that last sentence m8
Tell some Jewish people right now
That their entire blood line may get wiped out but it could be worse cowardly b****es
Bout to hurt some feelings with that last sentence m8
I am never joking with the hanging kkk
Why are all presidents reciting Israel is our greatest ally , allowing pedophiles to run there , why Epstein dead come on I know you got a brain
I am never joking with the hanging kkk
I know you're not playing, I'm just saying niggas gonna mudsling right back at you. I know you're aware niggas don't wanna be called white supremacists
Kamala speaking rn
She's speaking
Harris just opened her mouth
Somebody light up a ballot box now
I know you're not playing, I'm just saying niggas gonna mudsling right back at you. I know you're aware niggas don't wanna be called white supremacists
Then stop accepting “ we got to look out for us”
House nigga mentality
From some wannabe 2Pacs
“ we have to stop Nazism “
What are the goals of Zionism ?
Jews have a right to return to a land they’ve never stepped in and break all the rules created to stop Nazis from rising up again because of something 80 years ago
We still filling prison cells and some dumbass who doesn’t read religious text will call me anti semite when holocaust survivors say the same s*** I’m saying
The audience doesn’t read they are dumb
They think their government will give them a scantron that f***s up their bag
Death to the idea of America and anyone who protects it red or blue
You going to cry just like I have daily for my loved ones
Then stop accepting “ we got to look out for us”
House nigga mentality
From some wannabe 2Pacs
Bro I'm not accepting s*** from nobody I'm just saying calling other niggas white supremacists is inflammatory and it's gonna escalate an already intense discussion happening. Someone said itt before you can have healthy intelligent discussions, disagree even but careful with the insults it gets us nowhere. I don't care for Trump or Kamala for the some of the same reasons you do.
Kamala made a choice to continue the Israel greatest ally s*** when if she was smart she would stop funds til one day after election
Only for Trump to call them soft and say they’re enabling Hamas
Bro I'm not accepting s*** from nobody I'm just saying calling other niggas white supremacists is inflammatory and it's gonna escalate an already intense discussion happening. Someone said itt before you can have healthy intelligent discussions, disagree even but careful with the insults it gets us nowhere. I don't care for Trump or Kamala for the some of the same reasons you do.
Zionism is white supremacy that mirrors Nazism
We’ll surely see some antics during the Kamala speech on the insurrection lawn tn
Zionism is white supremacy that mirrors Nazism
Do you think the people you're arguing with in this thread endorse Zionism/White supremacy/Nazism? Do you know that for a fact?
I don’t care if I hurt some losers feelings because they already printing “ you can be president “ books for little girls like these are sports teams