This is untrue. Everyone on KTT is an expert on all topics. Years of reading 4chan, r/maozedong and ‘secret info’ on substack is the new Harvard diploma.
Saying ppl are just born here and don’t participate or are largely aware of the history isn’t downplaying the benefits afforded to them
You realize thats what im saying right
wait except how do you not participate in the history? that actually makes no sense while you benefit from it, I rescind my first reply what the f*** are you trying to say
I am discussing the topic of democrats and you bringing up "muslims used to be conservative"
they still are in some ways because of how much the democrats do and Trump being religious in any form wins him voters that otherwise wouldnt pop out
I haven’t replied to you, unless you literally replied to me. You replied to me about citing the first two sentences of my statement, which had nothing to do with you and lo and behold. I did and yours now sidetracking shut the f*** up.
people forget that many Muslims voted conservative before the year 2000. After 911 Republicans were just so racist that Muslims turned to the Democratic Party.
However, as we know, now, the language around them is softened, and it become more particular. I believe this causes a thing similar to how Black people who are concerned to think where they feel like they can exclude themselves.
this post wasn’t even replying to you. It was my separate post get off my nuts nigga dang
U vote for trump and dont like cats?
Get therapy fam
I dont like bruises
its got nothing to do with cats
I go November 8th and a retwist likely a nintendo switch for jamboree or repairing my computer
I haven’t replied to you, unless you literally replied to me. You replied to me about citing the first two sentences of my statement, which had nothing to do with you and lo and behold. I did and yours now sidetracking shut the f*** up.
if you want to make blanket statements about muslims its why I said cite it
You realize thats what im saying right
wait except how do you not participate in the history? that actually makes no sense while you benefit from it, I rescind my first reply what the f*** are you trying to say
If you’re not actively plotting on the American downfall you’re contributing is but you own an iPhone to me sorry
If you’re not actively plotting on the American downfall you’re contributing is but you own an iPhone to me sorry
calm down FBI
I dont like bruises
its got nothing to do with cats
I go November 8th and a retwist likely a nintendo switch for jamboree or repairing my computer
What did she do to u
She is pretty nice, most of the time
Except when she is drunk
Which happens a lot
What did she do to u
She is pretty nice, most of the time
Except when she is drunk
Which happens a lot
She can eat s***. But we arent talking about her we are talking about the election in 6 days do you know your polling location?
calm down FBI
Will your stupid ass block me already that’s the word Snowboy used dumbfuck
if you want to make blanket statements about muslims its why I said cite it
how is me saying that most Muslims voted Republican before 2000 a blanket statement when it’s backed up by the sources I literally just cited. Stop being so f***ing disingenuous
Will your stupid ass block me already that’s the word Snowboy used dumbfuck
or what?
how is me saying that most Muslims voted Republican before 2000 a blanket statement when it’s backed up by the sources I literally just cited. Stop being so f***ing disingenuous
where are you going with most Muslims voted republican that they deserve what they got?
finish your braindead ass thought how is it relevant to 2024?
Saying ppl are just born here and don’t participate or are largely aware of the history isn’t downplaying the benefits afforded to them
thats not what you were saying though but even I believed americans are a mass of uneducated simpletons (they're not, this is just self-infantilizing bs and Israelis say the same s*** about themselves, its not slick when they do it either), it wouldn't change the fact that the american consumer aristocracy is killing the planet and needs to end.