  • Oct 30, 2024
    1 reply

    or what?

    Or I’ll continue to be bothered by you not being able to read apparently

  • Oct 30, 2024
    1 reply

    where are you going with most Muslims voted republican that they deserve what they got?

    finish your braindead ass thought how is it relevant to 2024?

    you need to calm down. I need you to go back over my post so you can see what I said. I never said anything about people deserving what they got just because you think that sick s*** doesn’t mean I do

  • Oct 30, 2024
    1 reply

    If you’re not actively plotting on the American downfall you’re contributing is but you own an iPhone to me sorry

    if youre not actively plotting on a downfall? why do yall need to be so dramatic, just say aware of the system you live in and advocate for change or whats right in whatever ways you materially can

    owning any smartphone would mean youre benefiting, but I have android so same thing still. participating is still upholding the system, and no one can just break out it as its designed to make that impossible.

    just be smart and make good choices, its that simple

  • Oct 30, 2024

    She can eat s***. But we arent talking about her we are talking about the election in 6 days do you know your polling location?

    Nah i want to know, bruises deserves second chance. Did u know she works at an animal shelter?

    Yeah, im actually one of the biggest helpers in my polling zone

  • Oct 30, 2024
    1 reply

    thats not what you were saying though but even I believed americans are a mass of uneducated simpletons (they're not, this is just self-infantilizing bs and Israelis say the same s*** about themselves, its not slick when they do it either), it wouldn't change the fact that the american consumer aristocracy is killing the planet and needs to end.

    You continue to hold this very high opinion of American intelligence and I don’t know where it comes from

  • Oct 30, 2024
    1 reply

    if youre not actively plotting on a downfall? why do yall need to be so dramatic, just say aware of the system you live in and advocate for change or whats right in whatever ways you materially can

    owning any smartphone would mean youre benefiting, but I have android so same thing still. participating is still upholding the system, and no one can just break out it as its designed to make that impossible.

    just be smart and make good choices, its that simple

    Brother those were her words you’d have to ask her why she phrased it that way

  • Oct 30, 2024
    1 reply

    Brother those were her words you’d have to ask her why she phrased it that way

    the fallacy of the iphone argument is when its used to defend the system. the fallacy is the implication you are pro-capitalism/facism/imperialism by contributing to the system. literally the opposite of what snowboy said.

    and this phone fallacy has been around like 10 years, youre just now learning its meaning?

  • Jowe Buddew ⛵
    Oct 30, 2024

    Ecta mrcuan

  • Jowe Buddew ⛵
    Oct 30, 2024
    JT is Electric

    you need to calm down. I need you to go back over my post so you can see what I said. I never said anything about people deserving what they got just because you think that sick s*** doesn’t mean I do

    He is getting payed 27$ / hr to s*** post man cut him some slack

  • Oct 30, 2024
    1 reply

    Is there a way to destroy capitalism but retain Talk Tuah?

  • Oct 30, 2024

    Has anyone made the “vote for trump to heighten the contradictions” argument yet itt? That’s one I haven’t seen in awhile

  • Oct 30, 2024

    You continue to hold this very high opinion of American intelligence and I don’t know where it comes from

    "intelligence" does not exist and every human being on earth has the same capacity for rational thought regardless of ability.

    this "Americans are fat idiot slobs" stuff is just smug coastal liberalism, a product of the John Stewart era. obviously america's prisonhouse of nations is very rational and smart and clear on what needs to be done otherwise we wouldn't have massive riots against police lynchings every 2 years.

    you have to have faith in the masses. you dont possess some secret knowledge that other people are incapable of grasping. most people intuitively understand what is happening to them and simply lack the political latitude necessary to see their goals become a reality. the worst thing a "revolutionary" can do is turn their beliefs into misanthropic nerd s***.

  • Oct 30, 2024
    2 replies

    Or I’ll continue to be bothered by you not being able to read apparently

    thats great news and I can read and type faster than you can process a single word Santiago. Your point is a braindead a***ogy. Its why I have brought up how the connections of Zionist in art industry connects to continuation of what happens in Occupied Palestine

    So when a record executive profits from you rapping about your community destruction. Someone else selling you p***. Someone pushing bbls in media and all of that connects you dont need the CIA.

    AIPAC doesnt exist for black people. What Holocaust occured in AMERICA? Why did we import Nazi scientist ? Why Epstein mysteriously end his life?

  • Oct 30, 2024

    you are not innocent because you live in America. America imported Nazi scientist because they wanted to learn from the Nazis.

  • Oct 30, 2024
    Huge bmass Fan

    Is there a way to destroy capitalism but retain Talk Tuah?

    Yes! They actually just talked about this at the BRICS summit

  • Oct 30, 2024
    1 reply

    the fallacy of the iphone argument is when its used to defend the system. the fallacy is the implication you are pro-capitalism/facism/imperialism by contributing to the system. literally the opposite of what snowboy said.

    and this phone fallacy has been around like 10 years, youre just now learning its meaning?

    Whether it’s a defense or not is irrelevant. The implication is that by simply existing in a space where you are not given a choice that you are somehow complicit. A dude in this thread that pays taxes is talking down to people saying they deserve suffering for paying taxes

  • Oct 30, 2024
    1 reply

    thats great news and I can read and type faster than you can process a single word Santiago. Your point is a braindead a***ogy. Its why I have brought up how the connections of Zionist in art industry connects to continuation of what happens in Occupied Palestine

    So when a record executive profits from you rapping about your community destruction. Someone else selling you p***. Someone pushing bbls in media and all of that connects you dont need the CIA.

    AIPAC doesnt exist for black people. What Holocaust occured in AMERICA? Why did we import Nazi scientist ? Why Epstein mysteriously end his life?

    You’re him bro we get it. You’ve been saying it going on 30 hours

  • Oct 30, 2024
  • Oct 30, 2024

    You’re him bro we get it. You’ve been saying it going on 30 hours

    its not him I provide information about a perspective I am a nerd

    you can choose to nerd out or choose to be a sassy b****

  • Oct 30, 2024
    1 reply

    You’re a f***ing lame not a nerd

  • Oct 30, 2024

    You’re a f***ing lame not a nerd

    oh wow what a tough insult

  • Oct 30, 2024
    1 reply

    thats great news and I can read and type faster than you can process a single word Santiago. Your point is a braindead a***ogy. Its why I have brought up how the connections of Zionist in art industry connects to continuation of what happens in Occupied Palestine

    So when a record executive profits from you rapping about your community destruction. Someone else selling you p***. Someone pushing bbls in media and all of that connects you dont need the CIA.

    AIPAC doesnt exist for black people. What Holocaust occured in AMERICA? Why did we import Nazi scientist ? Why Epstein mysteriously end his life?

    native Americans

    once again, settler colonies like Israel, USA, the failed Nazi attempt all must produce their own holocaust of the native population to live there

  • Oct 30, 2024

    my entire point at what I am getting at and its dangers

  • Oct 30, 2024
    1 reply

    you see how you ignored the fact that you’re wrong About Arabs Muslims voting conservative before 2000?
    then you went on to make some disingenuous argument.

  • Oct 30, 2024
    2 replies

    native Americans

    once again, settler colonies like Israel, USA, the failed Nazi attempt all must produce their own holocaust of the native population to live there

    so if Native Americans dealt with a Genocide here and not jewish zionist why does AIPAC exist here and not Germany who owes them and paid them reparations where its illegal to deny the Holocaust?

    why does AIPAC have such influence over politicians and how is it in anyway legal that money is speech

    why should I accept money is speech fill out a bubble once every 2 years max to make changes when at the end of the day MONEY IS SPEECH