  • Oct 30, 2024

    No one living on American soil is innocent.

    That aint really a hot take. We literally living on natives graves.

    The problem is lack of nuance, we live in a system actively working to break down its community to the point asking a parent of 3 to say…hey stop driving that car that was built using cruelly made parts from other countries that emit harmful emissions to the planet to your job. “We gotta eat.”

    There are small things folks can do into their routine that could help towards fostering a sense of community which is the 1st step towards building a self sustaining organism that dont need a bad government to survive.

    E.g. see what’s going on at your nearest community garden. See how you can participate in neighborhood clean ups.

    Make friends with similar ideals that you have or might know more than you and has enough patience to put you on game as well without condescending you.

    You don’t have to change the world in order to change your community.

    Change has always started on the internal (and more importantly with the youngins.) Civil Rights Movement was able to happen because of the kids.

    And ( tone ), knowing how to talk to said youth was important. The tone of yelling or condescension doesn't do nothing but alienate the position you are trying to make.

  • Oct 30, 2024
    1 reply
    JT is Electric

    you see how you ignored the fact that you’re wrong About Arabs Muslims voting conservative before 2000?
    then you went on to make some disingenuous argument.

    I said you were right again I know you can read. I hypothesized the reason why and I asked you what assertion were you getting at with that. That they deserved to be killed in the milions because they arent ready for LGBT ideas or that s***positivity goes against their central beliefs

    say what your point is you want to be riddler

  • Oct 30, 2024
    6 replies

    so if Native Americans dealt with a Genocide here and not jewish zionist why does AIPAC exist here and not Germany who owes them and paid them reparations where its illegal to deny the Holocaust?

    why does AIPAC have such influence over politicians and how is it in anyway legal that money is speech

    why should I accept money is speech fill out a bubble once every 2 years max to make changes when at the end of the day MONEY IS SPEECH

    Im honestly not understanding what you are saying

  • Oct 30, 2024
    1 reply

    Im honestly not understanding what you are saying

    Jewish people did not experience an holocaust in america or because of americans

    so why does AIPAC have such influence over our actions and repeating israel is our greatest ally?

    when native americans get lip service or small things and we literally stole their land

    Africans get less too

    why ?

    why is Israel our greatest ally and not any of the other people we have scorned treated better

  • Oct 30, 2024
    1 reply

    so if Native Americans dealt with a Genocide here and not jewish zionist why does AIPAC exist here and not Germany who owes them and paid them reparations where its illegal to deny the Holocaust?

    why does AIPAC have such influence over politicians and how is it in anyway legal that money is speech

    why should I accept money is speech fill out a bubble once every 2 years max to make changes when at the end of the day MONEY IS SPEECH

  • Oct 30, 2024
    Camille Golightly

    sassy b**** added to the list of blocks

  • Oct 30, 2024
    1 reply

    You really think America is the only country with Zionist lobbying? Do you think politics just works entirely different in any other country on earth?

    Germany like any other NATO aligned country faces the same problems that any other bourgeois electoral system faces, they don’t have an AIPAC but that’s not really the point….


  • Oct 30, 2024

    You really think America is the only country with Zionist lobbying? Do you think politics just works entirely different in any other country on earth?

    Germany like any other NATO aligned country faces the same problems that any other bourgeois electoral system faces, they don’t have an AIPAC but that’s not really the point….


    That isnt what I am saying.

  • Oct 30, 2024
    1 reply

    yall cant read because I ask a clear question and you dodge it with something I didnt say so I will just block

  • Oct 30, 2024
    1 reply

    yall cant read because I ask a clear question and you dodge it with something I didnt say so I will just block

    talk to em

  • Oct 30, 2024
    1 reply
    Huge ET fan

    talk to em

    "you think this"

    no I literally just said what I think.

  • Oct 30, 2024

    Im honestly not understanding what you are saying

    nigga stop it

  • Oct 30, 2024

    Native Americans
    Black People
    are all treated with less care than Zionist.

  • Oct 30, 2024
    1 reply

    I said you were right again I know you can read. I hypothesized the reason why and I asked you what assertion were you getting at with that. That they deserved to be killed in the milions because they arent ready for LGBT ideas or that s***positivity goes against their central beliefs

    say what your point is you want to be riddler

    Once again , you are insane.

    you are fantasizing about some Delusion that I’m saying people deserve death and destruction because of backwards beliefs.

    If you go back to the page and stop being so reactionary, you would see the other people (not you) are Talking about how Muslims vote. That’s why I said that not because of any other weird ass reason you want me to.

  • Oct 30, 2024
    2 replies

    "you think this"

    no I literally just said what I think.

    the people you’re typing to don’t think

    all you can do is try to save them with your knowledge

  • Oct 30, 2024

    Homeless were begging for housing all pandemic with empty hotels and some froze to death but migrants were housed in an instant and in that housing they have often dealt with widespread abuse by people taking advantage of the fact they lack workers permits, proper defenses and more

  • Huge ET fan

    the people you’re typing to don’t think

    all you can do is try to save them with your knowledge


  • Oct 30, 2024
    1 reply
    JT is Electric

    Once again , you are insane.

    you are fantasizing about some Delusion that I’m saying people deserve death and destruction because of backwards beliefs.

    If you go back to the page and stop being so reactionary, you would see the other people (not you) are Talking about how Muslims vote. That’s why I said that not because of any other weird ass reason you want me to.

    I havent once said people deserve death and destruction you are blocked

  • Oct 30, 2024

    Im honestly not understanding what you are saying

    once again quoting this

  • Oct 30, 2024

    Im honestly not understanding what you are saying

  • Oct 30, 2024
    1 reply
    Huge ET fan

    the people you’re typing to don’t think

    all you can do is try to save them with your knowledge

    they want to say death to america means literally death rather than of the idea of what America is

  • Oct 30, 2024

    Im honestly not understanding what you are saying

  • Oct 30, 2024

    Im honestly not understanding what you are saying

  • Oct 30, 2024

  • Oct 30, 2024
    3 replies

    they want to say death to america means literally death rather than of the idea of what America is

    not everyone can look beyond the surface level of things like you

    when you’re arguing with them it’s probably hard that they can’t pick up what you’re putting down

    great message but you gotta dumb it down