my first time ever hearing anything from her only listened cus of the drake features and those the worst songs on the album. this s*** fire. very creative. between this and charlie xcx pop eatin this year
People are so dramatic and desperate for approval. Album is cool.
there are different types of pop and sometimes you just need something fun like this
Dude saying the first time he shed tears to music was listening to Camila Cabello
lying for p****
city girls snapped but camila adds nothing to the song at all, lowkey ruined the song for me
it still goes tho i like it
probably the closest we got to HNVM drake since he dropped it so yea i love it obviously
uuugly is ight, i’m not really seeing the point in putting it on the album but whatever
hotel room service sample on b.o.a.t. threw me off ngl
s*** was good but so random lol that caught me off guard
pretty when i cry is cool i do like most of these uptempo, dancey songs on there
this cool for what it is even though there are people who execute this sound way better so i would probably listen to them instead
not hating this though, probably exceeded my expectations with this, first two songs + the pink interlude still clear the rest of the album though, besides hot uptown i enjoyed that one a lot and a few others as well