hopefully not ye though cus he's an awful performer
If he performs songs before 2015 he’s amazing tbh. Just anything past TLOP he forgets the lyrics of immediately
She would be billed over Kendrick & Tyler? Doubt it
SZA is one of the most popular artists in the world lmao
She would be billed over Kendrick & Tyler? Doubt it
an S is being painted so im assuming it's her, idk who else with a short name starting with S would be
SZA is one of the most popular artists in the world lmao
Fr? Had no idea
This lineup kind of sucks lol
She would be billed over Kendrick & Tyler? Doubt it
she did a whole second leg of her us tour cause so popular and sold out instantly
mans treating dominic fikes name like it's a picasso or somen let it go man
surprised its not kendrick. thought the hillbillies thing was promotion for the festival
I think I'd only pay to see 3-5 of these artists solo
surprised its not kendrick. thought the hillbillies thing was promotion for the festival
it's kendrick and keem
Fr? Had no idea
for more context she’s the 21st most streamed artist in the world on spoftify rn
Kendrick is 47 & Tyler is 130