Pollen playlist ass lineup
Am I the only one not into SZA at all
for more context she’s the 21st most streamed artist in the world on spoftify rn
Kendrick is 47 & Tyler is 130
Is that based off Spotify listeners or song streams, cause that’s crazy then
Am I the only one not into SZA at all
I’m really just excited to see what The Hillbillies have in store but this lineup is meh lol
Is that based off Spotify listeners or song streams, cause that’s crazy then
Am I the only one not into SZA at all
She cool but her stage show looks crazy, im hyped off that
I’m really just excited to see what The Hillbillies have in store but this lineup is meh lol
Hoping for a collab tape if they're headlining festivals together
She cool but her stage show looks crazy, im hyped off that
I haven't seen that tbh
Is that based off Spotify listeners or song streams, cause that’s crazy then
thats based on unique listeners which can be achieved by playlisting
yall gotta understand that if the lineup was all your fav artists there would be no time to see all of them with all the different stages
A 2023 ye performance aint saving s*** lol
ONLY if he tried but 9 times out of 10 he wouldn’t bother to