I’m a really big Dragon Ball z fan so I was look at Kakarot or Xenoverse...
Maybe the Spider-Man game. Or The Kingdom Hearts collection
I have a FighterZ but it makes me so mad
kakarot is straight dumpster juice, dont buy it
new doom is fire, but campaign is like 15 hours.
kakarot is straight dumpster juice, dont buy it
new doom is fire, but campaign is like 15 hours.
Are any of the DBZ games worth it.
Are any of the DBZ games worth it.
havent really played any other than fighterz but theyre supposed to be pretty trash, check the reviews
what kinda game do you have in mind fam? what genre? does it have to be new or can it be older?
havent really played any other than fighterz but theyre supposed to be pretty trash, check the reviews
what kinda game do you have in mind fam? what genre? does it have to be new or can it be older?
Honestly. I only play MW on ps4... I beat GoW and Uncharted. I got bored of MW so downloaded Dauntless but it was mad boring, same with Tera.
I just want to play a campaign game/open world. That I can just lay in bed and not have to try my heart out to beat kids
If you’re a huge DBZ fan then Kakarot is the ultimate true experience
wouldnt call myself a huge fan but i grew up with the anime and owned all mangas. still thought it was the worst game purchase i made in 5, maybe 10 years
Honestly. I only play MW on ps4... I beat GoW and Uncharted. I got bored of MW so downloaded Dauntless but it was mad boring, same with Tera.
I just want to play a campaign game/open world. That I can just lay in bed and not have to try my heart out to beat kids
the mass effect trilogy might be down your alley. its a third person shooter, not open world but a galaxy full of planets, but story level are linear.
you can get the trilogy cheap and the graphics still hold up. theyre my favorite games of all time, story is incredible
It’s kinda looking that way. They have a good deal on it too
Spidey games are always heat
I caught that s*** on the switch for like 12 dollars and got hooked. I had no expectations since I heard dbz games don’t be hitting on nothing. But that s*** fire.
I caught that s*** on the switch for like 12 dollars and got hooked. I had no expectations since I heard dbz games don’t be hitting on nothing. But that s*** fire.
I just downloaded the free demo for xeonverse 2 ... play fighterz right now ugh I hate it
Id buy yakuza 0 if youre into that, bought it for £10 a few weeks back and have 70 hours in already and I'm nowhere near finished with the main story
Id buy yakuza 0 if youre into that, bought it for £10 a few weeks back and have 70 hours in already and I'm nowhere near finished with the main story
I’ll look into it. I was really hoping there’d be a good DBZ game
wouldnt call myself a huge fan but i grew up with the anime and owned all mangas. still thought it was the worst game purchase i made in 5, maybe 10 years
Lol yeah, you’re definitely being over dramatic.
Lol yeah, you’re definitely being over dramatic.
just my opinion man, couldnt make it past the saiyan arc
I’m a really big Dragon Ball z fan so I was look at Kakarot or Xenoverse...
Maybe the Spider-Man game. Or The Kingdom Hearts collection
I have a FighterZ but it makes me so mad
answer me vro