personally i think no, as long as u are actually joking...
obviously s*** like that recent racist tiktok isnt a joke (which im guessing is their excuse) it was just meant to put down black people
comedy with the right intentions can never go to far tho in my opinion
Depends on what you mean by “too far”
If you mean can comedy go so far to actually make people mad or hurt them emotionally? Yes, obviously
But should we make that illegal? No, everyone should be entitled to say and joke about whatever they want, but they also have to man up to the consequences their actions might have.
Depends on what you mean by “too far”
If you mean can comedy go so far to actually make people mad or hurt them emotionally? Yes, obviously
But should we make that illegal? No, everyone should be entitled to say and joke about whatever they want, but they also have to man up to the consequences their actions might have.
Depends on what you mean by “too far”
If you mean can comedy go so far to actually make people mad or hurt them emotionally? Yes, obviously
But should we make that illegal? No, everyone should be entitled to say and joke about whatever they want, but they also have to man up to the consequences their actions might have.
Nailed it
two people can make the same joke and the reaction be completely different, so i dont think theres a fixed answer for that
Comedy is literally tip toeing the line between okay and too far. Once you go too far it's not funny anymore.
Dave Chappelle never went too far imo
That's why he's a great comedian. He was always on the edge always just about to go too far but never did.
Dave Chappelle never went too far imo
The only reason Dave never went “too far” is because he’s hilarious and you like him. He has definitely said s*** that is more offensive than others who have gotten called out for it.
The only reason Dave never went “too far” is because he’s hilarious and you like him. He has definitely said s*** that is more offensive than others who have gotten called out for it.
That's what makes it funny tho. It wouldn't be funny if it didn't tickle your butthole a lil
Dave Chappelle never went too far imo
neither did Louis CK or Chris rock or Richard Pryor or George Carlin or Red Fox.
anything can go when you become a true word smith
Bobby Lee and Joey Diaz got The Comedy Shop banned on twitch for showing their ass and balls respectively.
So evidently yes.
if it's done by a true wordsmith who knows how to place timing and perspective on the joke I guarantee you it would never go to far.
but it's a craft that needs to be honed.
the amount of people who can write an incredibly obscene joke
and then perform it with the right tone, body movements and facial structures.
with great sense to timing in accordance to the audience and set.
is surprisingly low.