  • Oct 12, 2023

    Only if you read or heard about it pls

  • Niggas gonna tell you to read some bullshit religious texts

  • Oct 12, 2023

    In the new expanded edition of The Gaza Strip: The Political Economy of De-development, Sara Roy takes her meticulous study of the political economy of the Gaza Strip since the Israeli occupation in 1967 through to the impact, one year after, of Israel's massive summer 2014 assault known as Operation Protective Edge.

    This book covers the Israeli occupation of Gaza, which is where Hamas is. It's not the West Bank. That is controlled by the Palestinian Authority. They are different situations, but obviously related.

  • Jan 4, 2024


    • Theodor Herzl, a German Jew, advocates for Jews emigrating to Palestine but to do so by peacefully assimilating into Palestine and becoming legal citizens. This is due to the millennia of persecution Jews have faced in Europe. This starts in the late 19th century.

    • European Jews start doing that for a hot minute

    • After WWII, the west and unfortunately the Soviet Union as well helps to promote the idea that the Israeli state has the right to exist on Palestinian territory, controlled by European Jews. Herzl's vision for Zionism, which was fine, is completely discarded.

    • In 1948 this turns into an active genocide against the Palestinian state, with the Israeli goal to dissolve Palestine and from there the neighboring regions around Israel that used to comprise the Kingdom of Israel which existed over 2,000 years ago and was not populated by white people lol

    Basically it's a massive cope and sense of entitlement for white people who, while oppressed religiously/ethnically, believe this gives them license to commit genocide on foreign land. It also attracts religious fanatics (mostly Christians believe it or not, but also plenty of Jews), oil tycoons due to the oil-rich nature of the region, racists, etc.

  • Jan 4, 2024

    read the hundred years' war on palestine the other week and it was really good

    not unbiased but don't think you'll find an unbiased history...that's the nature of the conflict

  • Non biased ? Oh so you mean pro colonialist , pro Zionist?

  • Jan 9, 2024

    bro said non-biased lmfao

  • Jan 10, 2024

    Gaza: An Inquest into Its Martyrdom
    Book by Norman Finkelstein

    Plus Any other books Norm has written @op

  • Aug 17, 2024

    Exile by Richard Patterson North.

    It's done by a lawyer, who did a f*** ton of historical research.

  • Aug 27, 2024

    Unbiased = pro oppressor.