Last thing with substance was Ye and KSG
everything after
Has been pure garbage
What happened to him man he made some GOOD ass music (no pun)
Hes always been mentally ill. And as someone with a mental illness, it just gets worse over time if you aren’t actively doing everything u can to stop it. Which we can see Ye isnt
Donda revisionist history
There’s 100% no denying Kanye had moments of brilliance in terms of production on Donda, Ye, KSG, Pablo, and even JIK
But I hate to break it to you OP, but you’re a decade late, because Kanye’s fall off began about a decade ago when his lyrics went to 100% ass cheeks
Donda revisionist history
you like 8 years late
Someone isn’t fallen off till you stop checking out their work on release day
I dont listen to Ye on release day anymore i havent heard Vultures 2 tbh
Honestly I don’t even care to talk about Ye’s current music
I really just hope he’s okay, bro is an icon forever
Don’t yall who don’t enjoy ye’s music anymore get bored of complaining about it so much
We’re lucky we even got 808s & beyond that, most people wouldve crumbled after losing their mom the way he did
i can smile knowing ye d***riders cant flaunt his "perfect" discography anymore.
he's beyond washed
Don’t yall who don’t enjoy ye’s music anymore get bored of complaining about it so much
they still fans