Just saw this on reddit.
That boy needs to learn how to fight before he goes around wearing a hat that he knows will get him beat
Let's discuss it. I think a lot of races still see black people as only entertainment and that's why they think cultural appropriation is OK without realizing that it's our culture not just entertainment for them. I don't really know what the second topic means though
thread gonna be wild
When do you want to start the race?
Where are we racing to?!
I legit thought your username was freec loser for a sec
I hear you. But I stand by my previous statement. None of that will happen by the end of the decade. At all.
i mean all races are human in the end but obviously there has to be one race thats above all others
turanians wya
Just saw this on reddit.
Yikes I can only imagine the comments
Or I don’t have to because it is probably a bunch of subtle racism
5-8C by 2030 bro? More like 4C if we keep doing exactly what we’re doing right now (relying on gas and oil)
By simply sticking to nuclear power and renewable energy we’ll be able to get to +1,1C by 2100 which is not that catastrophic especially when it gives us 80 years to adapt and help our environment adapt to the change
5-8C by 2030 bro? More like 4C if we keep doing exactly what we’re doing right now (relying on gas and oil)
By simply sticking to nuclear power and renewable energy we’ll be able to get to +1,1C by 2100 which is not that catastrophic especially when it gives us 80 years to adapt and help our environment adapt to the change
I think what people don't realize tho is that climate change isn't a linear climb, it's growing exponentially.
Once the ice melts n all the gasses that were trapped in there get released we're f***ed. Scientists think it's already happening.
Btw right now, we're only feeling the effects of emissions from the 1990s, we haven't even caught up to the damage we've caused this decade.
I think what people don't realize tho is that climate change isn't a linear climb, it's growing exponentially.
Once the ice melts n all the gasses that were trapped in there get released we're f***ed. Scientists think it's already happening.
Btw right now, we're only feeling the effects of emissions from the 1990s, we haven't even caught up to the damage we've caused this decade.
Feedback loops go both ways, some make it worse and some make it better it’s really hard to know where it’s going
Gas trapped under ice idk but viruses trapped in the permafrost yeah lmao once they’re out it’s over
Feedback loops go both ways, some make it worse and some make it better it’s really hard to know where it’s going
Gas trapped under ice idk but viruses trapped in the permafrost yeah lmao once they’re out it’s over
I hope that whatever positive feedback loops there are will help whatevers bout to happen but honestly s*** just kind of looks like game over. Especially after yesterdays British election, i dont think people know or care about actually changing s***. Incremental changes to the systems isnt enough and i doubt people are radical enough to actually fight for change. Weve been neutered since the 60s
White people's willingness to get s***ted on by the ruling class in exchange for the ideological rewards of white supremacy will be the biggest obstacle for the survival of the human race.
If this isnt facts i dunno what is
with kkktt out in full force I doubt it
Blame reddit and these trumptards
I hope that whatever positive feedback loops there are will help whatevers bout to happen but honestly s*** just kind of looks like game over. Especially after yesterdays British election, i dont think people know or care about actually changing s***. Incremental changes to the systems isnt enough and i doubt people are radical enough to actually fight for change. Weve been neutered since the 60s
Sadly the biggest activists are going the wrong way, fighting to ban nuclear power, etc
However western countries are reducing their carbon emissions gradually and we’re going back to pre 80s levels
Our biggest hope is that the new powers like china and india use ecology as a political tool to get other countries on their side (« the US f***ed up the environment and we’re here to fix it » basically)
China indonesia india etc have the biggest impact on the environment but they’re also working on innovations that could save us once they release it
I hear you. But I stand by my previous statement. None of that will happen by the end of the decade. At all.
Yes but even if the chances of it not happening are slim then what motivates people to change their behavior or call to companies to change? It should be the bare minimum to prevent the worst case scenerio due to our consumption
5-8C by 2030 bro? More like 4C if we keep doing exactly what we’re doing right now (relying on gas and oil)
By simply sticking to nuclear power and renewable energy we’ll be able to get to +1,1C by 2100 which is not that catastrophic especially when it gives us 80 years to adapt and help our environment adapt to the change
remember when they said we'd be underwater by now in 2010 lmfao
remember when they said we'd be underwater by now in 2010 lmfao
We were all supposed to die of hunger by the 70s
5-8C by 2030 bro? More like 4C if we keep doing exactly what we’re doing right now (relying on gas and oil)
By simply sticking to nuclear power and renewable energy we’ll be able to get to +1,1C by 2100 which is not that catastrophic especially when it gives us 80 years to adapt and help our environment adapt to the change
Damn thats a shame. Its too f***ing cold out here