  • Nov 20, 2019

    who’s point stands? I’m responding to DavidP.

    Seems like you’re living nostalgically, I just disagree. 2013 wasn’t any more or less special to me than 2012, 2014, 2015, whatever. Music as a whole definitely wasn’t “better” that year. There’s been an incredibly amount of boundary pushing art that’s come out in the last two years alone wrt rap, so I don’t think anyone’s waiting for a new 808s to drop unless you only listen to a handful of musicians

    you're coping if you say 2012-2015 wasn't better than 2016-2019 in terms of hip-hop

  • Nov 20, 2019

    Do you guys actually try to look for new music or just whine about your personal perspectives so you can get at best 5 pages

  • Mmm Hmm 😆
    Nov 20, 2019

    Just wait for the next drake album

    Im honestly excited for new drizzy drake check me out.

    Only because his next album CANT be worse than Scorpion.

    We need a kamikaze from drake.