  • Oof…is this really as bad as Quantumania or Love and Thunder???? These review scores are looking harsh af

  • Feb 12

    I'm not gonna lie when I rewatched TIH this week I found myself enjoying it quite a bit so...

  • Feb 12

    Down to 48%. Oof

  • Feb 12
    2 replies

    look i saw kraven the hunter in theaters so i'll be just fine watching this

  • Feb 12

    No f***ing way it this bad

    it is JOEVER

  • Feb 12
    2 replies

    Not surprised. Thunderbolts looks way better

  • Feb 12
    3 replies

    Marvel fall off should be studied fr

    How they went that long with one or two misses and now are consistently mid is crazy

  • Sonyomom

    Not surprised. Thunderbolts looks way better

    ya they need to ramp up the marketing on that joint ASAP.

    Have repeatedly said that has all the right pieces to be great, they just need to market it cause most people dk wtf it is.

  • Feb 12

    That being said I do think Thunderbolts and Fantastic Four have way better potential

  • Feb 12
    1 reply

    Marvel fall off should be studied fr

    How they went that long with one or two misses and now are consistently mid is crazy

    Mid after mid. Even Deadpool and wolverine was mid

  • Feb 12

    It's weird because the projects that don't have that much hype behind them or seem minor in the grand scheme of things always turn out to get great reception. The ones that have major hype behind them for the most part haven't turned out as good.

    Example 1: Nobody gave a f*** about the new Spider-Man show and that is one of the best things Marvel has done with the character at all.

    Example 2: Quantumania was one of the most hyped projects and it fell flat on its face.

  • This means nothing

  • Ava

    Marvel fall off should be studied fr

    How they went that long with one or two misses and now are consistently mid is crazy

    they just didn’t have a plan after endgame, and it’s clear they just kept pivoting like crazy.

    i’m guessing when wandavision came out the plan was to have scarlett witch be a big bad for a while becoming a villain and traveling through the multiverse to find there kids

    then they shelved it. and they’ve had no plan since. it’s like this entire last few years have been filler just to give us time to miss the x-men so they can have a big splashy x-men movie.

  • Feb 12
    1 reply


  • Feb 12

    Smh so disappointing

    This could’ve been so good

    At the same time, I can trust reviewers

  • Hearing this is basura

  • mjpplus



  • Thunderbolts and F4 95%+ score

  • Feb 12

    If you want some guaranteed good new Marvel, Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man episodes 1 through 8 are now streaming on Disney+!

    It’s a better version of MCU Spidey

  • Feb 12
    3 replies

    kinda had a feeling this would not be received well due to all those reshoots. I’m super hype for Thunderbolts and F4 to be a return to form for Marvel.

    Sidenote: was The Marvels good? I skipped that

  • I refuse to believe that Feige took this movie under his wing and it still flopped

  • Feb 12

    Not surprised. Thunderbolts looks way better

  • Feb 12
    1 reply

    kinda had a feeling this would not be received well due to all those reshoots. I’m super hype for Thunderbolts and F4 to be a return to form for Marvel.

    Sidenote: was The Marvels good? I skipped that

    It’s fine, nothing crazy but if you like the characters you’ll like it. Ms. Marvel is the highlight
