  • Bro rode a missile

  • 6.5/10, about what I expected, out of the 2025 Marvel slate, Captain American is what I was least hyped about so I’m not mad.

  • Feb 14
    1 reply

    Who the f*** is the "others"?

    The scene is written as if he’s alluding to the Kangs from other universes, but that’s not the plan anymore so idk. Bizarre and awful post credit scene

  • Feb 14
    1 reply

    Movie was decent surprisingly enough. Not bad at all. Just wish Sam Wilson got a more in depth arc on him being Captain America while also being black. They touched on it in dialogue here and there but not nearly enough. Feels weird that Ross’ arc was the emotional core of the movie when it should’ve been Cap

  • Feb 14

    Who the f*** is the "others"?

    I’m guessing other Universes?

  • Himothee

    Movie was decent surprisingly enough. Not bad at all. Just wish Sam Wilson got a more in depth arc on him being Captain America while also being black. They touched on it in dialogue here and there but not nearly enough. Feels weird that Ross’ arc was the emotional core of the movie when it should’ve been Cap

    Said the same thing in the other thread

  • Feb 14

    It just hit me, had they not made Sharon to be The Power Broker in Falcon and the Winter Soldier, she could’ve easily taken Ruth’s place in this movie lmao.

    I would’ve at least cared about that character a bit

  • Feb 14
    1 reply

    The scene is written as if he’s alluding to the Kangs from other universes, but that’s not the plan anymore so idk. Bizarre and awful post credit scene

    Not talking about Kangs…talking about other worlds..universes @lloyd

    Secret Wars

    Literally asks Cap if he thinks this is the only world and let’s see what happens when they have to protect it from the others (other worlds)

  • mjpplus

    That post credit scene kinda sucked lol

    They turned the Leader into their version of Psycho Pirate

    But yeah the movie mostly works. The Bucky cameo was nice to have. Can’t believe they made him a congressman lmao

    Made me believe he’d play a good JD Vance in the Movie around The Fall of Democracy.

  • Sidewinder was cool; I feel like they're going to make him more comic-booky (to an extent) as the grounded MCU stories goes on

  • holy s*** that post credits scene is woat

  • Feb 14
    4 replies

    so who the f*** is the president

  • earthwalka

    so who the f*** is the president

  • Feb 14
    1 reply

    so who the f*** is the president

    I guess whoever his VP is?

    Then again they never mentioned a VP

  • mjpplus

    I guess whoever his VP is?

    Then again they never mentioned a VP

    im guessing we'll find out in Thunderbolts

  • earthwalka

    so who the f*** is the president


  • I cant remember what scene it was in Luke Cage, it was something that refenced Trump and Im like wtf

    Did they make "President" Trump MCU canon?

  • Feb 14
    1 reply

    that final battle is kind of dumb. his wing blows up (?) and knock each other out. then Sam is awakened in the rubble and Red Hulk is still mad so Sam just talks to him and calms him down so film over...

  • Feb 14
    2 replies

    Wait a f***ing minute hold on lmao

    I'm starting to remember stuff about Secret Invasion

    So the President in that show is a different guy and I think that show takes place in 2026 (same year as when the movie starts)

    So that mf declares war on all aliens at the end of that show and then loses the election to Ross

  • Feb 14
    1 reply

    Wait a f***ing minute hold on lmao

    I'm starting to remember stuff about Secret Invasion

    So the President in that show is a different guy and I think that show takes place in 2026 (same year as when the movie starts)

    So that mf declares war on all aliens at the end of that show and then loses the election to Ross

    wait huh? im confused.

    secret invasion takes places before Brave New World?

  • Feb 14
    1 reply

    wait huh? im confused.

    secret invasion takes places before Brave New World?

    I think, maybe?

    Could be after. Honestly, I'm just guessing

  • Feb 14
    1 reply

    I think, maybe?

    Could be after. Honestly, I'm just guessing

    oh ok i never watched secret invasion so i dont know. but there was a different president in that show??

  • Feb 14
    1 reply

    oh ok i never watched secret invasion so i dont know. but there was a different president in that show??

    Yeah, President Ritson was his name (had to look it up)

    Rewatching this thing the show should have had some more ramifications but it was so bad that they seem to have abandoned it

  • earthwalka

    so who the f*** is the president

    President Clamp

  • mjpplus

    Wait a f***ing minute hold on lmao

    I'm starting to remember stuff about Secret Invasion

    So the President in that show is a different guy and I think that show takes place in 2026 (same year as when the movie starts)

    So that mf declares war on all aliens at the end of that show and then loses the election to Ross

    Marvel in world politics are so funny cause why is Bucky a congressman now